Bengaluru Auto-rickshaw Hilariously Makes 'Bad' Product Review Public, Internet Amused
Bengaluru Auto-rickshaw Hilariously Makes 'Bad' Product Review Public, Internet Amused
Peak Bengaluru: Auto-rickshaw driver's way of giving 'bad' product review by getting it printed on his vehicle amuses internet.

Tell me you are in Bengaluru without telling me you are in Bengaluru – there’s a distinctive charm to the streets here that you won’t encounter anywhere else. Whether it’s someone multitasking on their laptop or another person casually ordering pizza in the midst of traffic, the city renowned as the IT capital of India thrives on injecting a touch of ‘innovation’ into everyday street scenes. A recent incident perfectly encapsulated this spirit when an individual stumbled upon an auto-rickshaw boldly displaying its own ‘bad’ review on the rear, turning the concept of product endorsements on its head and sparking internet delight.

Shared by a user with the handle @followdcounsel on the social media platform ‘X,’ a snapshot of the auto-rickshaw showcased the blunt statement, “Worst vehicle don’t buy,” boldly printed on its exterior. This unconventional approach, rather than promoting the product, created a ‘Peak Bengaluru’ moment that took many by surprise.

Also Read: Bengaluru Auto Rickshaw Charges Rs 100 for 500 Metres, Mumbaikar Explains Why it’s Plain Wrong

Echoing the sentiment, the poster remarked, “What an innovative way to tell others not to buy a bad product! Just #NammaBengaluru things.” The humour even transcended language barriers when he revealed, “Gets better in Kannada..he’s written Kachara gaadi hai, mat kharido.”

The post quickly garnered attention, with users expressing their amusement and appreciation. One user commented, “how sweet,” while another humourously referred to it as “community service.”

In a previous instance, another auto-rickshaw driver in Bengaluru opted for a similar approach to add a splash of vibrancy to the city’s bustling streets. This time, the message was more cryptic yet entertaining, with the driver adorning the back of the vehicle with the words, “Love is like a walk in the park.” The hilarious twist unfolded when the phrase ‘Jurassic Park’ was playfully added in red letters below, unveiling the witty subtext behind the seemingly straightforward message.

Also Read: Bengaluru Auto Adorned With Lights, Tray Tables and Cushions Captivates Internet

Seems like Bengaluru auto-rickshaws are the stand-up comedians of the streets, cracking jokes, throwing shade with sarcasm, and flaunting their outgoing personalities, wouldn’t you agree?

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