South African Politician Buried Inside his Favourite 1980s Mercedes-Benz E-Class, His Last Wish
South African Politician Buried Inside his Favourite 1980s Mercedes-Benz E-Class, His Last Wish
The unusual coffin saw several people gathered at the burial site despite the lockdown in place due to the coronavirus outbreak.

There are many people who are attached to their vehicles but taking the car along to the grave might seem a bit too much. South African politician and businessman Tshekedi Pitso was buried inside his favourite car, a Mercedes Benz. Pitso was dressed in a white suit with his hands on the steering wheel of the Benz and seatbelt buckled when he was lowered into his grave.

Images of people tucking him inside the car and then covering it with a satin white cover and bouquet have been going viral since the day of the funeral.

The unusual coffin saw several people gathered at the burial site despite the lockdown in place due to the coronavirus outbreak.

According to, Pitso bought the car, a 1980s E500 Mercedes Benz, two years ago, adding it to his fleet of Mercedes vehicles.

Pitso belonged to the United Democratic Movement (UDM). Fellow UDM leader and South African Member of Parliament Bantu Holomisa tweeted that he was unable to attend Pitso’s funeral because of safety restrictions.

Another politician Mfundo Nqata Bongela wrote a long tribute to Pitso, who, according to him, was “a flamboyant character until death”.

“I’m [not] surprised that u asked to be taken to your final resting place in your favourite Mercedes Benz,” he added.

Pitso’s niece Sefora (Pitso), 49, told the news portal that while the family was shocked at his unusual demand, they fulfilled his last wish. “My uncle made it clear that he wanted to be buried inside his car. He was a lover of Mercedes Benz and as a family, we had to grant him his wish,” she said.

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