Space Marines (Adeptus Astartes)
Space Marines are genetically-enhanced warriors who fight for the Imperium of Man. The Space Marines, also known as Adeptus Astartes, are one of the most well-known and popular factions of Warhammer 40k. They are warrior-monks who wear mechanised armor and have modified genomes that give them superhuman strength and endurance. They are also sometimes called the Angels of Death. Strengths: good at both shooting and melee (making them effective in all rounds of the game), have strong basic stats and armor (making them difficult to kill), have varied playstyle Weaknesses: often targeted by enemies to weaken your forces, long list of options for list design and unit choices (making it difficult to narrow down what you want to play), aura reliant (making it difficult to spread characters across the board) Gameplay: Space Marine vehicles and dreadnoughts are incredibly tough and have lots of fire power. Maximizing these allows you to shoot harder than your opponent and survive their return fire. Space Marine troops also punch and shoot effectively against almost any target.
Black Templars
Black Templars are a loyalist Second Founding Space Marines chapter. Derived from the Imperial Fists and their primarch, Rogal Dorn, the Black Templars’ origins can be traced back to the Imperial Fists’ defense of Terra during the Horus Heresy. Since then, they’ve been on the longest Imperial Crusade ever known to prove their loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind. Strengths: Melee, powerful combat units, powerful wargear, high flexibility for missions Weaknesses: High point costs often result in being outnumbered, shooting, slow speed Gameplay: Put Helbrecht and the Crusaders in the Land Raider and drive directly toward your opponent, shooting at any monsters or vehicles along the way. Equip half of your Tactical Squad with heavy weapons to guard your side of the board, and have your Sergeant lead the other half up your flank in the Razorback.
Blood Angels
The Blood Angels were the IX Legion of the original Space Marines legions. Originally known as the Revenant Legion, the Blood Angels are known for their bloodthirsty nature and are feared for the curse of flawed gene-seed they carry. This faction is among the longest living of the Space Marines, with some of its members serving the Emperor of Mankind for over a thousand years. Strengths: Melee, tactical flexibility, unique units Weaknesses: Shooting support, armies can struggle to find focus, has relatively few bodies Gameplay: Focus on synergy when assembling your army. Combine hard-hitting Death Company units with resilient Sanguinary Guard and characters like Dante or Mephiston to get both staying power and versatility. Include ranged support like the Baal Predator or Stormraven Gunship to weaken your enemy before diving into the melee.
Dark Angels
The Dark Angels were the first Space Marines legion. They are considered one of the most powerful and secretive Space Marines chapters. While they claim to have complete allegiance to the Emperor of Mankind, their secret goals and actions sometimes seem at odds with their loyalty. Above all else, the Dark Angels strive to atone for an ancient betrayal of trust committed against the Emperor during the time of the Horus Heresy. Strengths: Have the flexibility of Space Marines, hard-hitting unique units, strong shooting abilities Weaknesses: Elite army with relatively few bodies, difficult to balance different types of troops Gameplay: Combine powerful close-combat units like Deathwing Knights and Terminators with supporting fire power to utilize the Dark Angels’ strong melee capabilities. Push through enemy lines while leveraging the unique Inner Circle units for added tactical flexibility and the potential to counter specific threats.
Deathwatch is a Space Marines chapter dedicated to Xenos hunting. Also known as the Long Vigil or the Long Watch, Deathwatch is a unique chapter of the Space Marines comprised solely of veteran Space Marines that serves as the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos of the Imperial Inquisition. Deathwatch is called to action when the Inquisition needs firepower greater than that which the Astra Militarum can provide. Strengths: Unique combinations of models and rules in Kill Teams, super specialization, solid alien-killing technology Weaknesses: Low model count, narrow focus, reliance on Kill Teams Gameplay: Use Mission Tactics to choose your Combat Doctrines in any order rather than following the Space Marines codex. Reroll hit rolls of 1 for melee attacks against certain enemy units, like Tyranids, Aeldari, Orks, Necrons, and the T’au Empire. Use Kill Teams to deal damage, double up on Stratagem usage, and ride in transports and interact with terrain like Infantry.
Grey Knights
Grey Knights are a secret, mysterious chapter of Space Marines. This faction is specifically tasked with combating Daemonic entities of the Warp and mortals who wield the corrupt power of the Chaos Gods. They were created by the Emperor at the time of the Horus Heresy to serve as Humanity’s greatest weapon against the existence of Chaos. Strengths: can cast Psychic powers, excellent damage output, powerful characters, powerful tricks and Stratagems Weaknesses:Short- to medium-ranged attacks, fragile (with few ways of powering up armor), low model count Gameplay: Use all the supportive psychic powers and Stratagems at your disposal when playing a max-sized unit of elite Paladins. This makes them difficult to shift.
Space Wolves
Space Wolves are a melee-focused faction of Space Marines. Also known as Vlka Fenryka (Wolves of Fenris), the Space Wolves are one of the original 20 First Founding Space Marine Chapters. As the VIth Legion of Astartes raised by the Emperor at the dawn of the Great Crusade, this faction is known for their anti-authoritarian ways, the barbarian culture of their home planet Fenris, and their extreme deviation from the Codex Astartes. Strengths: melee combat, strong basic stats and armor, melee options can be supported by unique Stratagems Weaknesses: shooting, not as fast as normal Space Marines, often targeted by enemies for their strength Gameplay: The best play style for Space Wolves is to run melee units and get them up the board with some shooting support. Being Space Marines makes this easier than other melee-centric armies.
Adepta Sororitas
Adepta Sororitas are an elite sisterhood of warriors. Also known as the Sisters of Battle, and formerly as the Daughters of the Emperor, Adepta Sororitas are an all-female division of the Imperium of Man’s state church, the Ecclesiarchy (or the Adeptus Ministorum). Their mission is to root out spiritual corruption and heresy within Humanity and the Adeptus Terra. They rely on their faith to protect them and provide miracles throughout the game. Strengths: powerful army abilities (through Shield of Faith and Miracle Dice), affordable and resilient units, decent fire power, lethal melee units Weaknesses: low toughness and easy to wound, lack psychic units, short- to medium-range attacks Gameplay: Sisters can spam Miracle Dice through subfaction traits, character abilities, and stratagems so they always have spare dice for clutch rolls. The Zephyrim and Repentia units are so efficient that many armies go all-in as the Order of the Bloody Rose subfaction. This allows Sisters to play as a fast-moving, high damage melee army.
Adeptus Custodes
Adeptus Custodes are the guardians of the Imperial Palace. Also known as the Custodians, Adeptus Custodes are a group of genetically-engineered warriors who serve as the Emperor of Mankind’s bodyguards, responsible for protecting both the emperor and the Imperial Palace. They’re biologically immortal and possess superhuman strength and speed. Strengths: strong basic stats, excellent armor, hard to kill, anti-infantry shooting power Weaknesses: losing a Custodian greatly impacts your gameplay, expensive units, low mobility Gameplay: Grav Tank models are extremely powerful, with both long-range, anti-tank firepower and speed. This mitigates a lot of the weaknesses Custodes normally suffer from. Bikers also maintain the Custode toughness but have more mobility thanks to their grav bikes.
Adeptus Mechanicus
Adeptus Mechanicus is responsible for the Imperium’s weapons and armor. The Adeptus Mechanicus is the official name for the Cult Mechanicus, or Cult of the Machine, based on Mars. They are the first Forge World of the Imperium and are the sole rulers of the Red Planet. Adeptus Mechanicus provide the technical and scientific experts of the Imperium and field armies of Titans, Questor Mechanicus Knights, Electro-priests, Skitarii, and Combat Servitors. Strengths: have upgraded versions of standard weaponry, strong shooting skills, powerful vehicles, flexible fighting styles Weaknesses: Can’t cast psychic powers, little mobility, fragile melee Gameplay: The standard way to play Adeptus Mechanicus is to march up the board and make use of their strong firepower to claim objectives. Kataphron Destroyers are one of the best shooting units in the game. Adeptus Mechanicus can also support a melee build, though it’s weaker than their shooting options.
Astra Militarum
Astra Militarum is the Imperium of Man’s primary military force. Also known as the Imperial Guard, Astra Militarum is comprised of men and women in hundreds of thousands of different regiments. This faction is the first line of defense against the myriad of threats that endanger the Human race and are usually the first to respond if a world’s Planetary Defense Force fails to suppress the threat. Strengths: Guardsmen are impressive in large numbers, mass firepower, flexibility on the board Weaknesses: Inaccurate hits, lack of melee support Gameplay: Stack your board with 3 Tank Commanders, 6 units of Guardsmen, and a combination of tanks, artillery, and fliers. This allows you to run over and outgun opponents not prepared for heavily-armored lists.
Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines are former Space Marines who fell to Chaos. As the name suggests, Chaos Space Marines are former Space Marines who abandoned their service to the Emperor and dedicated themselves to Chaos to achieve their own ends. They’re among the most favored and powerful servants of Chaos. Strengths: Strong psychic powers from the Warp and Chaos Gods, deadly in melee combat, affordable troops Weaknesses: Lack a lot of shooting options uncorrupted Space Marines have, must use transports or rely on power armor to get into combat, struggle to break through armor saves Gameplay: The Possessed unit is the most deadly in combat with point-for-point melee. The Havos are a strong long-range unit that can cut through elite infantry and vehicles.
Death Guard
The Death Guard are a Traitor Legion dedicated to Nurgle. The Death Guard are a legion of Chaos Space Marines who exclusively worship Nurgle, the Chaos God of plague. As a result of Nurgle’s mutational gifts, this legion has become Plague Marines who are eternally rotting away beneath their armor but are immune to pain or injury. Strengths: Have “Disgustingly Resilient” rule (can ignore damage that breaks through their armor), above average toughness, powerful melee and range options, access to Poxwalkers (zombie horde) Weaknesses: Very slow, units are incredibly expensive points-wise, majority of weapons have short ranges Gameplay: Mortarion, the founder of the Death Guard, is a huge threat to your opponents. Stack defensive spells and use him to distract your opponent while the rest of your forces get into position. Bloat Drones and Blighthaulers are fast for Death Guard units, so use them to apply early pressure to your enemy.
Thousand Sons
The Thousand Sons are a legion of Chaos Marines sworn to Tzeentch. Though they were once the Imperium of Man’s XVth Legion of Space Marines, the Thousand Sons abandoned the Imperium to swear their services to Tzeentch, the Chaos God of change, intrigue, and sorcery. The Thousand Sons are distinguished from the other Traitor Legions by the large number of psyker mutations that have always existed within the Space Marines in this legion. Strengths: Strong psychic and shooting abilities, powerful HQ choices, solid troops Weaknesses: Short-to-medium shooting range, not great at melee, limited units Gameplay: Rubric Marines are tough, good at shooting, and possess strong psychic powers, while Tzaangors are good with melee and tricks like the Dark Matter Crystal. With a Winged Daemon Prince as an HQ choice, the Thousand Sons have a powerful melee and psychic threat to lead their armies.
World Eaters
The World Eaters were one of the first Chaos Marines to betray the Emperor. Originally known as the War Hounds, the World Eaters were already known for their savagery and eventually devolved into a legion of blood-crazed maniacs dedicated to the Chaos God Khorne. They found glory in violence and slaughter, with no other purpose than spilling blood and taking skulls in the name of their god. After the Battle of Skalathrax, they were scattered into separate warbands and have rarely fought as a unified Legion since. Strengths: Melee superiority, access to Daemon Primarch Weaknesses: Some difficulty playing objectives, lack of ranged firepower, somewhat low model count Gameplay: Build a battle plan around Blessings of Khorne. Although random, the Blessings of Khorne rule will give you a few relatively certain outcomes to choose from. Early in the game, look for Unbridled Bloodlust to pop off long charges and Rage-Fueled Invigoration for an extra Movement boost. Later in the game, go for Martial Excellence and Total Carnage.
Chaos Daemons
Chaos Daemons are malevolent entities of the Warp. They are made of pure psychic energy and are sentient and self-aware embodiments of Chaos. They are created at the whim of one of the four major Gods of Chaos and act as an extension of its will. Daemons may be reabsorbed into the god at whim. Strengths: Strong psychic powers, deal strong melee damage, have an army-wide 5+ vulnerability save Weaknesses: Not very durable or tough, poor shooting skills, lack of unit variety Gameplay: Gameplay depends on the type of Daemon. Khorne Daemons get 1+ Attack and Strength on the charge. Tzeentch Daemons improve their vulnerability save to 4+ and have access to Flamers and deadly psychic powers. Nurgle Daemons are very tough to kill, and Slaanesh Daemons can Advance and Charge in the same phase.
The Aeldari are an ancient race of elf-like humanoids. Known to outsiders as the Eldar, the Aeldari once dominated the Galaxy but are now a dying race. When they lost their homeworlds after the Fall of Eldar, they scattered among the stars and Webway in different factions and allegiances. The five major sub-cultures or kindreds of the Aeldari species are the Asuryani, the Drukhari, the Harlequins, the Exodites, and the Ynnari. Strengths: Specialized units, strong psychic powers, fast vehicles, strong mobility Weaknesses: High points cost, low toughness Gameplay: Use the Strands of Fate rule’s pre-rolled dice results to manipulate fate at key points in the battle. The Unparalleled Foresight rule makes all your units a bit more reliable with some unconditional rerolls. Employ speedy units that can screen out opponents and quickly score secondary objectives, like Jetbikes, Swooping Hawks, and Warp Spiders.
The Drukhari are a corrupt race of elf-like humanoids. The Drukhari are a forsaken and corrupt Aeldari kindred and the sadistic counterparts of the Asuryani. They revel in piracy, enslavement, and torture, and strike with little-to-no warning. The Drukhari come in 3 varieties: Kabalites, Haemonculus Coven, and Wych Cults. Strengths: High mobility and speed, transports allow them to attack from a distance, invulnerable saves on vehicles Weaknesses: Cannot cast psychic abilities, low toughness (including vehicles), can’t mix Drukhari varieties Gameplay: Ravagers, Voidraven Bombers, and Razorwing Jetfighters are fast and resilient and have strong firepower. Equip disintegrator cannons to attack both infantry and vehicles. Haemonculus Covens and Wych Cults are strong melee threats, though they aren’t good for long-range fire. Place Kabalite Warriors in Venoms to increase mobility.
Tyranids are an extragalactic alien race of insectoid Xenos. Also known as the Great Devourer, the Tyranids’ sole purpose is to consume all forms of genetic and biological matter in order to evolve and reproduce. Every function is carried out by living, engineered creatures that collectively form the Hive Fleet, which is directed by a single Hive Mind. They are seen as one of the gravest threats to the Galaxy, as they cannot be reasoned with or deterred in their quest. Strengths: Can spam hordes of Tyranids to spread across the board, access to powerful monsters, powerful psykers Weaknesses: Poor-ranged anti-tank, hard-to-use melee, must follow Instinct Behavior rule Gameplay: With the right sub-faction and Stratagems, Tyranids can fly across the table to kill anything as early as Turn 1. Sacrifice swarms of Termagaunts and Hormagaunts to absorb your enemy’s shooting and apply a ton of pressure to the board.
Genestealer Cults
A Genestealer Cult is a secret society made up of Tyranid Genestealers. Genestealer cults thrive in the dark corners of the Imperial underworld, and their purpose is to take control of the Imperial Worlds in the name of a Xenos god that is actually a Tyranid hive fleet. These cults form if a Genestealer infects members of another species with its genetic code. Strengths: Powerful melee infantry, ambush attacks, access to lots of supporting characters Weaknesses: Low durability, reliance on Stratagems, difficult to play Gameplay: Ambush opponents with large units of Acolytes for overwhelming offense. Drop units of Neophytes (equipped with heavy and special weapons) alongside a Jackal Alphus to buff their shooting and melt whatever you point them at. Run Achilles Ridgerunners as a mobile force to pave the way for your ambushers.
Leagues of Votann
The Leagues of Votann are a Squat civilization based around the Galactic Core. The Votann are a rugged, survivalist culture derived from the merchant-fleets of the Dark Age of Technology. They’re on an endless quest to acquire the resources they need to survive, though outsiders often see them as selfish hoarders. They are an advanced, starfaring species who possess highly-advanced technology and live in the extreme environments of the resource-rich worlds of the Galactic Core. Strengths: Some of the best technology available, solid vehicles with heavy weapons fire, superior firepower Weaknesses: Lack of effective board control, somewhat low model count, slow speed Gameplay: Use the Eye of the Ancestors rule to gain Judgment tokens and bonuses against enemy units. Use the 2CP Reactive Reprisal Stratagem to allow a Votann unit to return fire after being shot at by any enemy unit with Judgment tokens on it.
Necrons are a race of mechanical warriors created from the Necrontyr. They’re a mysterious Xenos species of humanoid, robotic skeletal warriors that lay dormant in their stasis-tombs for more than 60 million Terran years before beginning to wake. The Necrons’ technological prowess is unmatched, but they have become ruthless killing machines who seek to reestablish their supremacy over the galaxy. Strengths: Weaponry can kill numerous infantry units, possess Cosmic Powers that cannot be denied like psychic powers, can become reanimated when they die Weaknesses: Slow and short-ranged, no psychic powers, expensive units Gameplay: Use fast-moving flyers like Doomsday Ark and Doom Scythe Spam to deal a lot of damage and mitigate some of the faction’s low mobility.
Orks are a green-skinned, war-like Xenos race. Inspired by the orcs of high fantasy, Orks are a savage and aggressive species of bestial, asexual humanoids. They are a unique species in that they possess physiological features of both animals and fungi and are one of the most dangerous species in the galaxy. While their enemies view them as crude, Orks are actually very intelligent. Strengths: Horde faction (meaning you can place large numbers of Orks on the board), quick-moving, possess strong psychic powers Weaknesses: High variance in shooting depending on how you roll, low armor infantry, predictable strategy Gameplay: Spam Ork Boyz to put an immense amount of pressure on your opponent. Use a squad of Lootas as a shooting base and shield them with Grots to protect them.
T’au Empire
The T’au Empire is a rapidly-expanding, multispecies Xenos stellar empire. The Empire is situated within the Imperium of Man’s Ultima Segmentum, near the Eastern Fringes of the Milky Way. It was founded by the T’au caste called Ethereals in accordance with a utilitarian philosophy they call the Greater Good. The T’au are a young, humanoid, and technologically-advanced species, and a growing number of other intelligent alien races have allied themselves with the T’au within the Empire. Strengths: Shooting, drones, can employ mercenaries Weaknesses: Melee combat, can’t cast psychic powers, low mobility Gameplay: Use Drones as a protective screen so your T’au army can form an unbreachable “castle” that outshoots your opponents off the board. T’au battlesuits are both mobile and deadly in shooting while being reasonably tough; use them to fly around and systematically destroy priority targets.
Imperial Knights
Imperial Knights are piloted robotic combat walkers. The Imperial Knights serve in the Imperium and sometimes the Adeptus Mechanicus. Each knight is piloted by a human warrior, and they have the power to kick over tanks and crush soldiers. The battlesuits stand 30-40 terran feet tall and are protected by nearly impenetrable Ion Shields. Strengths: Incredibly resilient and tough, powerful shooting, tall and capable of seeing over most terrain Weaknesses: Expensive, vulnerable to heavy weapons, no infantry Gameplay: The Indomitable Heroes rule gives all your Knights the Feel No Pain ability, which is even stronger if you complete your Oath. The special character Canis Rex has the ability to use a Stratagem for 0CP once per turn.
Emperor’s Children
The Emperor’s Children are a legion of Chaos Space Marines sworn to Slaanesh. Originally the III Legion of the Space Marines, the Emperor’s Children are a Traitor Legion dedicated to the Chaos God Slaanesh, also known as the Prince of Pleasure. They were the only Space Marine Legion to bear the Emperor’s name and icon, the Palatine, Aquila, which were granted to them as a symbol of their marital perfection. The Emperor's Children now exist for no other purpose but to exceed every extreme and to know every possible sensation. Strengths: Unknown—this is a new set for 2025 Weaknesses: Unknown—this is a new set for 2025 Gameplay: The Emperor’s Children are a new set for 2025, so not much is known yet about their gameplay. Infractor Squads, Flawless Blades, Tormentor Marines, and the daemon primarch Fulgrim are expected to play a large role.
Chaos Knights
Chaos Knights are Imperial Knights corrupted by Chaos. Also known as Daemon Knights, Renegade Knights, or Questor Traitoris, the Chaos Knights consist of Imperial Knight combat walkers whose Knight houses have been corrupted to serve Chaos. They are humanoid war engines that tower over their foes, and each Chaos Knight carries an army's worth of firepower upon its weaponized limbs and carapace. Strengths: Less restrained and more aggressive than Imperials, good at fighting and shooting Weaknesses: High point cost results in always being outnumbered Gameplay: Chaos Knights play similarly to Imperials. Use Harbingers of Dread to terrify your opponents and gain bonuses as your enemies succumb to battle-shock.
Asuryani are an ancient humanoid alien species. Also known as Craftworld Eldar or Eldar of the Stars, Asuryani are similar to Drukhari and other Aeldari. Asuryani armies consist of specialized warriors, known as Aspect Warriors, and a wide range of specialized vehicles. The Asuryani are unique in that they’re entirely void-faring. Strengths: One of the fastest factions in the game, exceptional vehicles, strong psychic abilities Weaknesses: Low toughness, expensive specialists, unforgiving of mistakes/difficult to play Gameplay: Use Wave Serpents and Falcons to transport key units where they need to be, and use the mobility of Sinning Spears and Windrunner Jetbikes to engage your opponent on your terms. Wraithguard and Wraithblade units are tough, slow moving units that can engage with enemies in short range.
Harlequins are an acrobatic sub-group of Aeldari. They belong to none of the existing Aeldari factions and are keepers of the Black Library. Harlequins serve an Aeldari deity called the Laughing God, and they split their time between being warriors and theatrical performers. Strengths: Entire army has a 4+ invulnerable save, the fastest army in the game, excellent units Weaknesses: Expensive and fragile, short-ranged attacks, tiny unit selection Gameplay: Harlequins can bring numerous strong characters, like the Solitaire and Death Jester. The best unit in the Harlequin codex are the Skyweaver Jetbikes, so spam as many as possible during gameplay.
The Ynnari are a religious sect of the Aeldari species. Also known as the Reborn, the Ynnari are a newly-formed eponymous Eldar group that worship the God Ynnead and believe their race can be saved from Slaanesh by waking the sleeping God of the Dead, Ynnead. They aim to do so through a ritual called the Seventh Path, which would require the possession of all five of the legendary Croneswords of the Crone Goddess Morai-Heg, the Mistress of Fate. The Ynnari consist of members of all Aeldari kindreds, including the Asuryani, Aeldari Corsairs, Exodites, the Drukhari and the Harlequins. Strengths: Powerful wargear, force-multiplying abilities Weaknesses: Lightly armored and vulnerable, held back by army-building constraints Gameplay: Because the Ynnari faction allows you to mix units of different Aeldari groups, gameplay depends on your individual army. The Ynnari playstyle typically involves using deep-striking units and powerful psychic abilities to overwhelm your opponent.
Imperial Agents
Imperial Agents fight for the Imperium but don’t belong to an established army. Previously known as the Agents of the Imperium, Imperial Agent is a blanket term for any Imperium miniatures that players own that don’t fit into a main tabletop army. Players can run a complete army of Imperial Agents, drawn from different minor factions. Strengths: Vary depending on the combinations of units used Weaknesses: Vary depending on the combinations of units used Gameplay: Because the makeup of Imperial Agent armies varies, it is difficult to pin down a specific playstyle. How your army plays depends on the combinations of units and detachments you choose. Running an Imperial Agent army can be quite complex and requires a high skill level.
The Inquisition
The Inquisition are the secret police of the Imperium. Formally known as the Holy Orders of the Emperor’s Inquisition, the Inquisition is a secret organization that exists outside of the standard administrative hierarchy of the Imperium of Man. They’re the primary intelligence service of the Imperium and hunt down any and all threats to the stability of the God-Emperor’s realm. They are responsible for guarding the souls of Humanity and answer only to the Emperor. Strengths: Highly skilled in combat and tactics, have access to a wide range of psychic and technological abilities Weaknesses: Limited unit variety, vulnerability to concentrated firepower, lack of powerful army-wide buffs Gameplay: Inquisitors can be added as leaders to any Imperium Battleline unit. The Authority of the Inquisition ability allows them to ride in any transport that their Bodyguard unit can embark within. As Characters, you can assign them to be your army’s Warlord, though they lack any keywords that would allow them to take Enhancements.
Officio Assassinorum
The Officio Assassinorum is a secret agency that trains assassins. The Officio Assassinorum (Office of Assassins) is a subdivision of the Administratum that is responsible for the recruitment, training, and deployment of elite assassins. Even the most battle-hardened of Imperial Warriors are afraid of them. The Officio is almost as secretive as the Inquisition, and the two organizations often work closely with each other. Strengths: Superhuman strength, stealth, mastery of weapons Weaknesses: According to Warhammer 40k lore, assassins have no known weaknesses Gameplay: Assassins can fight alongside any of the Imperial Warhammer 40k factions. One assassin is allowed in an Incursion game, two in a Strike Force game, and three in an Onslaught game.
Adeptus Arbites
The Adeptus Arbites are the police force of the Adeptus Terra. The Adeptus Arbites serve as the galactic police force of the Imperium of Man and are responsible for enforcing Imperial Law (Lex Imperialis) on all of the Imperial-controlled worlds. The High Lords of Terra granted them the right to serve as judge, jury, and executioner for any Imperial citizen who has broken the law. Strengths: Superior weaponry, heavy armor Weaknesses: Expensive units, low toughness, weak armor saves Gameplay: Due to the Thin Black Line rule, there are a limited number of units the Arbites can utilize at the start of the game. Field as many units of basic Arbitrator Teams as possible. Other units available for initial deployment are HQ characters, Execution Teams, Sharpshooter Teams, Sentinel Squadrons, and Suppression Platforms. However, focusing on Arbitrator Teams is usually most beneficial.
Imperial Navy
The Imperial Navy is an armed force responsible for the Imperium’s warships. Also known as the Navis Imperialis, the Imperial Navy is one of the armed forces employed by the Imperium. They are responsible for the fleets of warships that soar between the planets in the Imperium, and they engage threats both inside and outside the Imperium’s borders. Strengths: Large battleships, fast Destroyers, strong transportation Weaknesses: Expensive battleships, poor maneuverability, difficulty understanding units Gameplay: Use your ships to your advantage. Basic ships have multiple weapon types but are not specialized in any. Lance-boats focus on Lance weaponry and are used for long-range focused attacks, especially against small or unshielded ships. Ordinance-boats focus on Macrobatteries and are good for short and medium-range brawls against enemy ships.
Collegia Titanica
The Collegia Titanica is a section of Adeptus Mechanicus that oversees the Titans. The Collegia Titanica, sometimes known as the Adeptus Titanicus, is the division of the ancient Mechanicum and the current Adeptus Mechanicus that operates and oversees the Titans, or colossal combat walkers. These Titans are the most powerful engines of war in the Imperium of Man. Strengths: Incredibly tough, strong guns, strong maneuverability and objective control Weaknesses: Expensive units, limited roster, limited tactical options Gameplay: Using Towering Example allows you to ignore the Detachment rules when selecting an army—you have no Leaders or Battleline. Elect one model as your Warlord, who will get no additional enhancements. Using the Titanic Support rule means that any Imperium army may add one Adeptus Titanicus model.
Dark Mechanicum
The Dark Mechanicum are a Chaos-affiliated counterpart to the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Dark Mechanicum refer to themselves as the New Mechanicum or True Mechanicum. They are a sect of traitorous Tech-priests who abandoned the Mechanicum to serve Chaos. They willingly swore their loyalty to Warmaster Horus and the Chaos Gods at the end of the Great Crusade. Strengths: N/A—not an official playable faction Weaknesses: N/A—not an official playable faction Gameplay: While not officially playable, Warhammer 40k players often create Dark Mechanicum armies using conversions of existing models, incorporating elements of the Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos Space Marines.
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