Security beefed up in Delhi after Ajmer blast
Security beefed up in Delhi after Ajmer blast
Sensitive areas have been put on high alert and the police are on constant vigil.

New Delhi: With the Ajmer blast taking place on Thursday and festivals just round the corner, the capital is trying to ensure strict security arrangements.

Sensitive areas of New Delhi have been put on high alert and the police have geared up to maintain constant vigil. Vehicles are being thoroughly checked.

"PCR Vans, spotters and machans have been put up. We will make sure everything goes off smoothly,” says PRO, Delhi Police, Rajan Bhagat.

National monuments and religious places are under constant police glare.

But it is in markets like Sarojini Nagar, where the police ‘bandobast’ appear to be constantly failing.

In October 2005, Sarojini Nagar saw a devastating blast, which claimed many lives.

Two years since, with festivals very much on and blasts in neighbouring states. The security situation in one of Delhi's most crowded markets is not up to the mark.

At the bustling market on Friday, fused metal detectors were kept just for show and signboards seemed purely ornamental with no surprise checks at any point. But the police continued with their tall claims.

"In all market places, religious places adequate arrangements have been made,” says Bhagat.

Obviously, in the age of perpetual terror threats a foolproof security system is still a far cry.

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