6 Signs You May Be Masking Your Anxiety
6 Signs You May Be Masking Your Anxiety
In our society, there is a tendency to conceal emotions in order to appear fine but it is time to see and understand the signs

Episodes of anxiety can arise as a result of traumatic events or challenging life circumstances, affecting individuals regardless of their gender or age. These experiences can disrupt personal lives and lead to distorted thoughts. However, this behaviour does not truly benefit us. Therapist Amber Smith emphasises the distressing impact of masking anxiety and how it can control our lives. She suggests addressing the root causes of anxiety symptoms and finding healthier coping mechanisms to break free from its grip.

A post shared by Amber Smith, MA, RMHCI (@thesunshine.therapist)

A post shared by Amber Smith, MA, RMHCI (@thesunshine.therapist)

Here are some signs that people may be masking their anxiety:

  1. Smiling: They put on a cheerful facade, fearing that showing negativity may be perceived negatively by others.
  2. Silence: These individuals may hesitate to speak up, as their anxious thoughts consume their minds, causing them to worry about saying something inappropriate.
  3. Fidgeting: Nervous movements become a way to release anxiety. They may constantly need an object like a pen or phone to divert their attention or engage in fidgeting behaviours with their fingers or hair.
  4. Isolating: When gripped by anxious feelings, they tend to cancel plans abruptly or make excuses to avoid social events, seeking solace in isolation.
  5. Distractions: They immerse themselves in work, household chores, or other activities to divert their minds from their concerns, attempting to cope with their anxiety.
  6. Downplaying: Even when they are hurt or uncomfortable, they dismiss their own feelings or compromise in situations to downplay their anxiety.

Apart from these behavioural traits, the therapist mentioned that a person who is going through anxiety disorders tends to feel that everyone around them has their life sorted while they are a mess. They also replay scenarios in their heads and figure out alternate consequences. Lastly, they are in constant fear that everyone around them is judging them.

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