Ballia DIoS Devendra Kumar Gupta said on Saturday that the state government suspended Ramesh Singh based on a report submitted by Joint Director of Education, Azamgarh, Yogendra Kumar Singh on October 17, 2023
A district inspector of schools (DIoS) has been suspended on the charges of allegedly making illegal salary payments to 27 teachers and employees of four schools in the district, an official said.
Ramesh Singh, the suspended official, was currently working as DIoS in the Mau district.
Ballia DIoS Devendra Kumar Gupta said on Saturday that the state government suspended Ramesh Singh based on a report submitted by Joint Director of Education, Azamgarh, Yogendra Kumar Singh on October 17, 2023.
The report alleged that Singh had been approving fake appointments in schools in the Ballia district, leading to illegal payment of salaries to 27 teachers and employees, said Gupta.
Ramesh Singh was transferred to Mau in June this year.
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