How to Change Your Sim's Traits in The Sims 3
How to Change Your Sim's Traits in The Sims 3
Tired of your Sim's traits on the Sims 3? Luckily, there is a simple trick you can use to change their traits anytime, not just in character creation. Now you can change your Sim's traits as many times as you wish!

Hold down the 'Ctrl', 'Shift' and 'C' keys on your keyboard at the same time. A box should pop up at the top of your screen. This is the cheats box.

Type in "testingcheatsenabled true" into the box. You must get the spelling and spacing right or it will not work.

Press 'Enter'. This will enable some of the extra features in the game to work, including this cheat.

Hold down the 'Shift' key and click on the Sim you want to change the traits of. Many options will pop up around that Sim; make sure you don't click the wrong one, as you can inadvertently change some other features of your Sim!

Choose "modify traits for active sims" from the options. That will take you to a pop-up where you can edit the traits for the sim you chose.

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