How to Get Started Learning Malay Language
How to Get Started Learning Malay Language
Malay is considered one of the easiest Asian languages to learn - it has no plurals, conjunctions, or verb tenses! Whether you are a beginner looking to learn a couple of vocab words for fun, or are looking for a in depth start to learning the language, this article is a great introduction to some of the key words, greetings, and phrases. With repetition and practice, you'll be speaking like a local in no time!

Learn the key words

Some key words are as follows: dog: anjing Yes: Ya No: Tidak Thank you: Terima kasih (Accept my thanks) Please: Sila And: Dan Cat: kucing Mouse: tikus

Learn greeting phrases.

Greetings are a great way to start and end conversations with people in Malay. Good morning: Selamat pagi Good Afternoon: Selamat tengah hari Good Evening: Selamat petang Good Night: Selamat malam Goodbye: Selamat tinggal (Goodbye} Hello: Hello

Learn some common questions and answers.

The following are some basic question and answer formats you can use to talk to friends or get to know someone new in Malay. How are you?: Apa khabar? (What news?) I am okay: Saya baik (I'm good) I am not okay: Saya kurang baik (I'm less good) I am ill: Saya sakit Where are you?: Di manakah kamu? I am at ___: Saya di ___ Where do you live?: Di manakah kamu tinggal? I live in ___: Saya tinggal di ___ How old are you?: Berapakah umur kamu? (How much is your age?) My age is ___years old: Umur saya ___ tahun What is your name?: Siapakah nama kamu? My name is ___: Nama saya ___ Where are you going?: Ke manakah kamu hendak pergi? "(To where you want go?)" I'm going to ___: Saya hendak pergi ke ___ "(I want go to)" When will you return?: Bilakah kamu akan kembali ke sini? (When you will come back here?) I will return (in the morning / in the afternoon / this evening / tonight): Saya akan kembali (pagi ini / tengahari ini / petang ini / malam ini). What is your job?: Apakah pekerjaan kamu? "(What occupation you?)" My job is a ___: Pekerjaan saya ialah seorang ___ Have you arrived there yet?: Kamu sudah tiba di sana? I am going: Saya akan pergi What?: Apa? How many?: Berapa? How many siblings have you got?: Berapakah adik-beradik yang kamu ada? I have ___ sibling(s): Saya ada ___ adik-beradik (look below) Have you got children?: Kamu ada anak? (informal) How are you doing?: Bagaimana dengan keadaan kamu? (How is condition you?) Fine thanks, and you?: Khabar baik, kamu? (My news' good, you?) Do you understand what I mean?:Adakah kamu faham apa yang saya maksudkan?

Learn what to call people.

There are specific words to use for different relatives, mentors, or people you don't know personally. You: Engkau (informal) / Kamu/Awak (formal) I: Aku (informal) / Saya {formal) My/Mine: Milik aku (informal) / Milik saya (formal) [Assuming that the word after is a noun] Mum: Ibu / Emak / Ummi Dad: Bapa / Ayah Elder sister: Kakak Elder brother: Abang Younger sister or brother: Adik Uncle: Pak cik Auntie: Mak cik Girl: Perempuan Boy: Lelaki Woman: Wanita Man: Jejaka/Lelaki Teacher: Guru (Occupation) Cikgu (Calling) Miss: Cik Mrs.: Puan Mr.: Encik

Learn the names of some foods.

These words will help you order and request key food and drinks. I want to eat ___: Saya hendak makan ___ Rice: Nasi Tea: Teh Coffee: Kopi Water: Air Soup: Sup

Learn a few other key words.

These are all important words to know to further your ability to communicate. Car: Kereta Life: Hidup Country: Negara State: Negeri City: Bandar Village: Kampung House: Rumah Nation: Rakyat/Masyarakat Tribe: Puak Toddler: Kanak-kanak/Budak Teenager: Remaja Adult: Dewasa Daughter: Anak perempuan Son: Anak lelaki Clothes: Baju Shirt: Kemeja Pants: Seluar Day: Hari Kiss: Cium

Learn some expressions.

Here are some essential phrases to learn in Malay: You are beautiful: Kamu cantik I am going: Saya hendak pergi Do not go: Jangan pergi I swear to God: Saya bersumpah kepada Tuhan For example: Sebagai contoh Good luck: Semoga berjaya (Hope you succeed) You are a very nice child: Kamu budak baik I love you: Saya cinta kamu Life is nice: Hidup ini indah

Learn some descriptive words.

Descriptive words will help you add color and depth to your language. Together: Bersama-sama In: Masuk Above (on): Atas Below (under): Bawah Beside: Sebelah Back: Belakang(Direction/Anatomy), Balik/Pulang(Return) Go: Pergi Nice: Baik Many: Banyak Very: Amat Pain: Sakit

Learn to name body parts.

Below you'll find some major body parts: Head: Kepala Neck: Leher Eye / eyes: Mata Nose: Hidung Mouth: Mulut Eyebrow: Kening Ear / ears: Telinga Hair: Rambut Cheek: Pipi Hand: Tangan Shoulder: Bahu Chest: Dada Breast: Buah dada/payudara Stomach: Perut Umbilicus/Navel/Bellybutton: Lubang pusat "(Hole middle)" Foot / feet / lower limb: Kaki Fingers: Jari Toes: Jari kaki

Learn to count.

Practice by using the numbers listed here: 1: satu 2: dua 3: tiga 4: empat 5: lima 6: enam 7: tujuh 8: lapan 9: sembilan 10: sepuluh* 11: sebelas* 12: dua belas 13: tiga belas 14: empat belas 20: dua puluh 21: dua puluh satu 30: tiga puluh 40: empat puluh 100: seratus* 101: seratus satu* 1000: seribu * 10000: sepuluh ratus (ten thousand) 100000: seratus ribu (one hundred thousand) 1000000: sejuta (one million)

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