How to Improve People Management
How to Improve People Management
The role of a manager may vary across industries, but anyone who is involved in managing people is responsible for planning, coordinating, supervising and motivating people. In order to manage people well, you need to be aware of their talents, resources and goals. Poor management of people can lead to low productivity and morale. Outside of the work environment, knowing how to manage people will help you in all of your personal relationships. Improve people management by getting to know those you manage and how they work, leading by example and holding everyone accountable for accomplishing what they say they are going to do.

Develop relationships with the people you manage. Flexibility is important in improving people management. The way you manage one person might be different than the way you manage another. Schedule time to talk to people. Understanding their own personal strengths, challenges and goals will help you relate to them better and manage their work and contributions.

Set a good example. People management requires leadership, and the best way to lead is by example. You cannot create a separate set of rules for yourself. Hold yourself to the same standards as you hold other people. Arrive to work, meetings and events on time or a little early. This shows the people you manage that you take your obligations seriously and you respect their time. Work hard. Others will notice if you take 2 hour lunch breaks or leave early on a regular basis.

Demonstrate integrity. Show people that you are honest and trustworthy. Say what you mean and if you do not know the answer to someone's question, admit to it.

Evaluate policies and procedures. If something is taking a lot of time for one of your employees and she has a better idea of how to get the result, be willing to listen. The people you manage will find you responsive. Ask for input before you make any major systematic or procedural changes. This will allow the people you manage to feel heard, even if the result is something they are not happy about.

Communicate your expectations clearly and accurately. Everyone you manage should understand their roles and what they need to do. Share performance standards and let everyone know what success will look like. In his book "First, Break All the Rules," Marcus Buckingham says that people must know what is expected of them before they can succeed. Communicating better is a great way to improve people management.

Explain all goals and objectives. People are often willing to work harder when they understand why they are doing what is asked of them. Be specific in your explanations. For example, instead of saying "I need the sales report by the end of the month," you could say "I need the sales report by the end of the month so I can forecast our sales goals for next month."

Adjust your management style if it is not working well. Note what types of your own behavior bring the best performance results. Some people prefer an authoritative manager and others work better with a manager who thinks of himself as a team member.

Create a positive work environment. Your culture will help inspire and motivate others. Celebrate victories, show your appreciation and publicly reward people who surpass expectations.

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