Determine what you have. If you have a file ending in dmg you have a disk image. If it ends in zip then you have a compressed file. If it ends in pkg you have a package file. There are other ways of bundling applications but these are the most common.
Uncompress, mount, or execute the given file. The methods below show how to perform each of the tasks depending on the given file.
Drag and drop the now exposed application to the Application folder.
Disk Images
Double-click on the disk image and it should mount the image and open a new window with its contents.
A drive appears with your contents. Look through the given files to find the application.
Compressed Files
Uncompress the file. If you have a file that ends in .zip you only have to double-click on the file and OSX will uncompress it into a new folder.
Open the new folder to find the application.
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