
Real Chanel bags are made out of a soft, high-quality leather. One of the biggest differences between real and fake Chanel bags is the quality and look of the material. Authentic bags are made out of fine leather that’s either lambskin, which has a smooth finish, or caviar, which has a pebbled appearance. Fake Chanel bags are typically made with lower quality leather or plastic, which can make them look shinier and less expensive than real bags. Sniff the bag to determine the quality. Real bags have an earthy, leather smell while fake bags might have an unpleasant plastic or chemical smell. Some Chanel bags are made out of fabrics other than leather. Their materials are of the highest quality and usually look more expensive than dupes.
Authentic Chanel bags have straight, even stitches. Chanel bags are handcrafted by skilled designers, so they have impeccable stitching. The stitches are small, even, and straight along every part of the bag. Inauthentic bags often have large, noticeable stitches, crooked lines, and frayed threads. Look at the quilt stitching on the bag. Real bags typically use more than 8 stitches for each side of the diamond, while fakes often use less than 8 stitches.
Real Chanel bags sit upright and flush against a table. When you stand an authentic Chanel bag up on a table, it’ll stay upright. Its sturdy, balanced structure also helps it to sit flat against the surface. Fake bags might fall over when set on a table or form a gap between the bottom of the bag and the flat surface. The overall construction of real Chanel bags usually looks better than fakes. Fakes might have a misaligned pocket or flap.
Real bags have a centered and even diamond quilted pattern. Most Chanel handbags have an iconic, diamond quilted pattern. On real bags, the pattern is perfectly centered on the front and back of the bag. If a flap or pocket causes a break in the pattern, the diamonds still match up perfectly. On fake Chanel bags, the quilting may be slightly off-center and not line up all over the bag. The pattern might also be more or less puffy than real bags. Chanel also makes bags that have a square or chevron quilt pattern, though these are less common than the diamond quilt pattern. Some real Chanel bags are completely smooth and don’t have a quilted pattern at all.
Chanel Logo
Real Chanel bags have a perfectly centered “CC” clasp. The majority of real Chanel bags have the classic interlocking “CC” logo centered on the front of the bag. The top of the right “C” crosses over the top of the left “C,” while the bottom of the left “C” crosses over the bottom of the right “C.” Fakes might place the “CC” off center or get the interlocking order wrong. Check out the spacing of the logo. There is a small oval between the Cs of the real logo, while fakes might space the “CC” logo too close or far apart. Look at the color of the logo. It is typically a true gold or silver with a slightly brushed finish. On fakes, the logo might look brassy, dull, or overly shiny.
Authentic bags have a sturdy chain strap and matching hardware. The straps on real Chanel handbags are made out of a thin piece of leather neatly threaded through a durable metallic chain. The strap matches the color of the bag while the chain matches the color of the “CC” logo, zippers, and clasps. On fake Chanel bags, the chain strap might feel lightweight, look clumsily threaded, and have spots of damage. The color might not match the bag, either.
Interior Stamps
Real bags are stamped with “MADE IN FRANCE” or “ITALY.” The insides of real Chanel bags are stamped with “CHANEL” and the country the bag was made in, which is either France or Italy. Fake bags might instead be stamped with a specific city, like “MADE IN PARIS.” Look at the color of the stamp. The font color matches the gold or silver hardware on real bags, while fakes might use the opposite color. Fake Chanel bags might get the font style wrong on the stamp, too. The stamp might have oddly spaced letters, look uneven, or appear hard to read. Some real bags also include a stitched “CC” logo on the inside. It is typically centered slightly above the “CHANEL” stamp. If it is included in fakes, it might appear less neatly stitched, off-center, and larger or smaller than the real logo.
Locking Clasp
Real Chanel locks are attached with flat or star-shaped screws. Look for the back of the turnstile lock on the inside flap of the bag. On real Chanel bags, the lock is secured with either flat-head screws or star-shaped screws. Fake Chanel bags might use a plus-shaped, Phillips head screw instead. On real bags, the back of the lock is engraved with “CHANEL PARIS.” Fakes might not include this, use the wrong font, or not engrave it as clearly or deeply.
Zippers and Buttons
The zippers and buttons on real bags are engraved with logos. Inspect the zippers and snap buttons on your bag. The zippers are typically engraved with the manufacturer’s name or code, like “EP,” “YKK,” “LAMPO,” or “CHANEL PARIS.” The snap buttons are usually engraved with “CHANEL” or “CHANEL PARIS.” On fake Chanel bags, the zippers or clasps might have no engravings, have different engravings, or not match the font or depth of real engravings. Test out how well the zippers and clasps work. The zippers and clasps might not work as smoothly and be tougher to open on fake bags. Look at the color of the zippers and clasps. They match the hardware and leather on real bags but might be different colors on fakes.
Serial Number
Authentic bags made before 2021 have a 7 to 8-digit long code. Chanel handbags come with a serial or authentication number that indicates when the bag was made. The code is usually 8 digits long if it was made after 2005 and 7 digits long if it was made before 2005. Look for the serial code on a small flap or sticker inside the corner of the bag. Enter your bag’s serial code into a Chanel serial code calculator to determine what year it was made and if it matches the bag’s description. Some real handbags made after 2000 have a 6-digit code. Fake Chanel bags might include an authenticity code that doesn’t match the year the bag was made. The code might be too long or too short, too. Chanel bags made after 2021 include a microchip instead of a serial number. The chip is inside the bag and stamped with a mix of 8 letters and numbers.
Authenticity Card
Real bags made before 2021 include thick authenticity cards. Each Chanel bag comes with an authentication card that states the bag is certified by Chanel. While many fake bags also include an authentication card, the ones in real handbags are thick, have a gold border, and include a gray circle with a gold foiled “CC” logo in the top right corner. The number on the authenticity card is the same as the serial number. Note: Fake bags can replicate authenticity cards really well. Look at different parts of the bag to determine if it’s real or fake. Authentic Chanel bags made after 2021 do not include an authentication card, as they were replaced by microchips.
Real boxes and dust bags are black with “CHANEL” printed in white. Authentic Chanel bags come in a sturdy, black box with a flap opening and “CHANEL” printed on the center in white. The bag is typically wrapped in a soft, black dust bag that also has “CHANEL” written in white in the center of the bag. Fake boxes might be of poorer quality. “CHANEL” might be too big or small, use the wrong font, or be uncentered on the box. Fake dust bags might feel rougher than real dustbags. The “CHANEL” logo might also be a different size or font. Real dust bags typically open on the side, while fake dust bags might open at the top.
Authentic Chanel bags cost upwards of $3,000. If you’re looking at a Chanel bag and the price looks too good to be true, it might be a fake. Chanel purses are luxury items with a price tag of at least $3,000 and often above $5000. While some used bags may be less expensive, they are typically at least in the $1,000 price range. Some vintage and used bags are actually more expensive than new bags. Depending on their quality and rarity, they can appreciate in value.
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