How to Work with Archangel Michael
How to Work with Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is a powerful being who can help you find the strength to meet challenges in your everyday life. People throughout history have called upon this servant of God for help, and in a few simple steps, you can too. If you’re wondering how to call and speak to this incredibly strong angel, we’ve got you covered. Read on for our complete guide on how to work with Archangel Michael.

Who is Archangel Michael?

Michael is one of God’s warriors, the leader of a battalion of angels. In the Bible, he is described as an “archangel,” meaning “chief angel,” that will defeat the forces of Satan during the end times.

Michael is believed to be the defender of people who believe in God. At the moment when a believer dies, Michael is said to keep their soul out of the clutches of forces of darkness. Some scholars believe that Michael is the highest-ranking of all of God’s angels.

What is Archangel Michael associated with?

Michael is a powerful icon of strength and healing. As a warrior of God, he is a supernatural fighter against forces of darkness. He cares for humanity and protects them from evil. Historically, Michael was seen as the great healer of illness. Early Christians put their faith in Michael to heal them from outbreaks of plague and other illnesses. Michael is associated with mountains, mariners, and hospitality. Michael is also known as the patron of soldiers, doctors, and police officers.

How can Archangel Michael help you?

Pray to Michael for spiritual strength, emotional resilience, and help with obstacles. If you’re facing challenges or struggles in your life, call on Michael to help you. Requesting his help makes your needs known to him and allows him to step into your life. For example, you might ask for Michael’s help if you’ve been struggling with loneliness, if you’re dealing with illness, or if you’re in need of protection. You don’t necessarily have to be a Christian to work with Michael. Non-Christians can also find a lot to gain from the support of Michael.

How to Speak to Archangel Michael

Find a calm and relaxing place to call Michael. Sit in a comfortable chair or, if you'd prefer, lie down, making sure your head is supported. A silent location away from loud sources of noise can make it easier for you to connect to your spiritual side.

Imagine little roots coming down from the soles of your feet. These roots are sources of spiritual grounding. Think of them as pushing down into the ground below you, allowing your body to feel rooted, safe, and protected.

Call Archangel Michael into the room. You might say something like, "Archangel Michael, work with me today" or "Archangel Michael, please be at my side." By actively asking the Archangel for help, you give him permission to enter your life.

Visualize Archangel Michael. Imagine him with some of his traditional symbols, with a flaming sword and with blue light encircling him. Form an image in your mind of Archangel Michael putting his strong blue light around you for protection. This blue light is characteristic of Archangel Michael’s presence. Many artists have imagined Michael with a sword as a symbol of his status as a warrior. In the Book of Revelation, Michael is described as using a sword to defeat a dragon.

Ask Archangel Michael for whatever help you need. State your request in a way that’s very direct, by saying something like, “Archangel Michael, please make my trip tomorrow a safe one.” You may hear his voice responding to you, but if you don’t, that’s okay too—have faith that your request was heard. Other requests you might make to Archangel Michael might include: “Archangel Michael, please give me the emotional strength to make it through this tough conversation.” “Archangel Michael, let your light keep my family safe during the storm.” “Archangel Michael, please help me deal with my feelings of loneliness.”

Imagine him dispelling evil forces. In your mind, picture Archangel Michael with his sword, cutting away or dissolving any negativity from your life. This kind of image will give you the strength to believe in his protection. You may also imagine Archangel Michael with a great white net, which he uses to capture all the negative influences in your life.

Thank Archangel Michael for his care. Once you’ve visualized him helping you overcome the challenges that you face, enjoy the feeling of inner peace that this activity can offer you. Show your gratitude to Archangel Michael with a simple, heartfelt “thank you.” You could also say something like, "I am safe and protected, now and always."

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