Meet Gavardhi Jyoti, The Andhra Pradesh Councillor, Who Supports The Cremation of Orphans
Meet Gavardhi Jyoti, The Andhra Pradesh Councillor, Who Supports The Cremation of Orphans
In Hindu tradition, death is associated with a lot of rituals, and the dead body is burned to ashes in the end.

Death is considered an inevitable part of life. In Hindu tradition, death is associated with a lot of rituals, and the dead body is burned to ashes in the end. The whole process involves a lot of customs, as it is believed that the soul is reincarnated, taking birth in another physical body or form. The dead body is always carried by four people to the cremation ground or near a river, where it is placed on a pyre.

Gavardhi Jyoti, a Ward 1 councillor, has been working in the East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. Jyoti has had a good reputation for always being among people and solving their problems. She was born into a poor family.

She helps every dead body of an orphan found in the district. Jyoti performs all the last rites like a family member for them. So far, she has cremated more than 50 orphan bodies in the area.

In the Kakinada district, many orphans have been dying in the shelters along the national highways. This is mainly due to the lack of facilities and proper food. No one comes forward to perform their last rites, but Jyoti has come forward as their protector.

Recently, in an interview, Jyoti said that humanity is flushing out of society. These orphans have never been given respect while they were alive, but it is important to give them respect when they are no longer alive.

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