Two men have been arrested for allegedly raping and molesting a 28-year-old Mumbai-based freelance event manager in Delhi's Aerocity area, police said on Monday. They have been identified as Sandeep Mehta (57) and Naveen Dawar (47), both eatery owners in Haryana's Sonipat, they said. Mehta was booked under section 376 (rape) and is in police custody, while Dawar, who was booked under section 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), has been sent to judicial custody, a senior police officer said. The incident was reported on Friday.
The woman told the police that she met Mehta on social media. She came to Delhi on Wednesday and was staying at a hotel in Aerocity. The next day, she met Mehta and his friend Dawar at Connaught Place, police said. The woman alleged that Dawar tried to molest her. Later, Mehta came to drop her at the hotel and allegedly raped her inside her room. Mehta took her from the hotel and after dropping her at Anand Vihar, fled, police said, adding that the woman thereafter made a PCR call.
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