The COVID-19 tally in Ahmedabad district mounted to 39,109 on Monday with the addition of 184 fresh cases, Gujarat health department said. With three persons succumbing to the infection, the toll in the district went up to 1,868, it said.
Ahmedabad: The COVID-19 tally in Ahmedabad district mounted to 39,109 on Monday with the addition of 184 fresh cases, Gujarat health department said. With three persons succumbing to the infection, the toll in the district went up to 1,868, it said.
A total of 192 patients, including 178 in the city and 14 from villages, were discharged in the day, taking the count of recoveries to 33,732, the department said. Out of the 184 new cases, 166 infections were reported from Ahmedabad city and 18 from rural areas.
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