Anti-Hillary video, but Obama frets
Anti-Hillary video, but Obama frets
An employee of the company handling Barrack Obama’s website is the creator of YouTube ad that slams Hillary Clinton.

New York: The presidential campaign of Senator Barack Obama suffered a major embarrassment following a revelation.

One of its contracted employees, Phil de Vellis was responsible for a posting of video, which portrayed his rival for Democratic nomination Hillary Clinton in a bad light.

After the television network played the video in newscasts the entire day, Obama campaign issued a statement on Thursday night that it had no knowledge of the video and had nothing to do with its creation.

"We were notified this evening by a vendor of ours, Blue State Digital, that an employee of the company had been involved in the making of this ad. Blue State Digital has separated ties with this individual and we have been assured he did no work on our campaign's account," it added.

The video uses an Apple computer TV ad to make Clinton appear like Big Brother and was posted on YouTube.

de Vellis, until Thursday, an employee of the company that handles Obama's Web site, posted the admission on the Huffington Post website, saying that it sends the message that Obama represents a new kind of politics and that Senator Clinton's "conservation" is dangerous and the underlying point is that the old political machine no longer holds all power.

He also said that this shows the difference that an individual make.

Meanwhile, Managing director Thomas Gensemer of Blue State Digital said in a statement provided by the Obama campaign that "Pursuant to company policy regarding outside political work or commentary on behalf of our clients or otherwise, de Vellis has been terminated."

"It was done without the knowledge of management, and was in no way tied to Vellis work at the firm or our formal engagement with the Obama campaign," he added.

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