Bush makes surprise visit to Kabul
Bush makes surprise visit to Kabul
US President George W. Bush makes surprise visit to Afghanistan on way to India. This was his first visit since US-led forces toppled the Taliban regime in 2001.

Kabul: US President George W. Bush makes surprise visit to Afghanistan on way to India. This was his first visit since US-led forces toppled the Taliban regime in 2001 in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

Bush made the surprise stopover, landing at the US military base at Bagram some 60 kilometres north of Kabul, as he headed to India to begin a maiden trip to South Asia.

He flew by helicopter to the Capital where he was given a red carpet welcome by an honour guard ahead of talks with President Hamid Karzai at the presidential palace. He was accompanied by his wife Laura.

Officials would not confirm the president's visit until his arrival because of concerns the visit would be cancelled at the last minute on security grounds.

Helicopters patrolled the skies above the heavily fortified city and there was high security on the streets.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan, speaking to reporters on Bush's plane, said the President would spend a total of four hours in Afghanistan.

He said that after talks with Karzai, the president would attend a ribbon cutting ceremony to formally open the US embassy in Kabul.

"Following that he will return to Bagram and the president will make remarks to US and some coalition forces that are there at the base."

Afghanistan is a key battleground in the US-led "war on terror", with senior leaders from the al-Qaeda network believed to be hiding in the mountains along the Afghan-Pakistan border.

The US has had a major presence in Afghanistan since leading the invasion that toppled the hardline Taliban regime in late 2001 for not handing over al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden after the September 11 attacks.

With AFP inputs

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