As the Gujarat Election results are out and the BJP has recorded a victory, albeit after some show of a fight by the Congress, The Political Peg looks at the critical juncture in Bhavnagar that may have impacted the vote in the city.
During his speech at Bhavnagar on November 27, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stirred both Patidar and Rajput emotions by bringing up the Mangarh riots of 1983. Both communities criticised the speech, which was seen by them as a ploy to divide votes. News18 looks at the ground situation in Bhavnagar and how the BJP is fighting a difficult turf war in the city.
The Political Peg is your 30 ml dose of current politics. The first series is on the 2017 Gujarat Elections.
Music: Hitman by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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