How married India lives? survey has some answers
How married India lives? survey has some answers
Key findings from a survey conducted by IMRB and among married men and women across India.

Relationships are complex and married relationships more so because it isn't only about two individuals. A recent survey among married men and women across India attempts to throw some light on the what married India thinks, what their priorities are or who calls the shots.

Key findings from the survey:

1. The pressure to conform to societal norms is still one of the major reasons that drive Indian men and women to tie the knot followed by the desire to make their parents and families happy.

2. Trust between partners, shouldering the responsibility of raising children and willingness to compromise are the most important factors of a successful marriage

3. Children are still central to the lives of Indian couples and most believe that children are an indicator of a successful marriage.

4. Finances and home ownership are still in the domain of males.

5. Hanging out at home, going out to movies and restaurants and spending intimate time with each other are three preferred ways for Indian couples to bond with each other.

6. Getting hitched seems to put a dampener on the active social life of the pre-marriage days for both males and females. This drop is even more pronounced in the case of women.

7. Women in India feel neglected by their husbands with large numbers claiming their husband spends more time at work and talking to others on the phone and on the Internet.

8. Household duties are still allocated along traditional gender lines with men taking care of finances, bills and household repairs while women focusing on cooking, cleaning and bringing up children.


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