Law students on war path
Law students on war path
Classes were disrupted at the Government Law College on Monday also when students went on strike demanding the four suspended students be taken back.

Classes were disrupted at the Government Law College on Monday also when students went on strike demanding the four suspended students be taken back. It has been two weeks since classes resumed after holidays but not a day has passed without strikes.

According to the Principal A S Saroja, four students were suspended on June 22 as they were found to have consumed alcohol on the campus late in the evening. When the night watchman alerted the vice-principal in charge,    he quizzed the students who misbehaved with him. They used abusive language and one of  them even sent a message stating that he would consume alcohol the whole night.

The next day the she sought an explanation and gave them 10 days’ time. In their letter the students alleged that it was the night watchman who had consumed alcohol and they were innocent. The inquiry commission found them guilty and the issue was placed before the Staff Council which decided to suspend them, she said.

But the students believe that this is a harsh disciplinary action and want them to be admitted to class and staged a protest, she said. “A student has lost a whole semester,” said devpal,a student.  The principal said that though they want to conduct classes the striking students are preventing it. “The boys locked both the gates of the college on Monday hindering discharging of public duty. They also staged a protest in front of my office. We had to call the police to get the gates opened. We also informed the District Collector. I have not permitted the  strike. The teachers want to conduct classes and the majority of students are for it but the protestors are intimidating them. We feel sorry for those who want to attend classes and those who are coming from far away. We might have to seek police protection,” said the principal.

Meanwhile, the boys have moved court.  It has been nearly two weeks since the college  reopened but classes are being disrupted due to strikes and many students want classes to be streamlined.

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