Naomi is a psychotic monster: Maid
Naomi is a psychotic monster: Maid
Naomi Campbell's battered maid has spoken for the first time about her ordeal and says she is lucky to be alive.

London: Hollywood actress Naomi Campbell may proclaim that love has sobered her famous temper, but the maid who allegedly suffered the fiery model’s fury, has spoken for the first time about her ordeal.

Battered housekeeper Ana Scolavino — left sobbing and covered in blood from a head wound — believes 35-year-old Campbell's violent rages could kill.

"She is so crazy you never know when she will hit out. Anything can send her into a frenzy. There is not a single nice bone in Naomi's body. She is a psychotic monster. On the catwalk she might look beautiful but apart from her face in person she is the ugliest person I have met,” Scolavino was quoted by The Newsoftheworld, as saying.

"She needs serious psychological help before she hurts or even kills someone. I should know I am lucky to be alive," Scolavino added.

Scolavino said that every day Campbell was like "a wild, caged animal ready to pounce on any victim, screaming and swearing at everyone."

Then two months into the job came the vicious attack.

"Naomi came home from Europe raging about the state of the house and that there were clothes everywhere. But that was typical Naomi. One minute she'd shout at you, 'Don't dare touch my clothes' and then the next minute she was rampaging around screaming they'd not been put away," Scolavino said.

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