New Delhi: After Apple's resellers and dealers confirmed the reintroduction of the iPhone 4 in India, we decided to take out a poll to ascertain whether there is any market in India for the 4-year-old dated phone. In the poll, 80 per cent of the respondents (implying 4 out of 5) said that they would not buy the iPhone 4 even at a price which is significantly lower that its flagship iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c.Only 17 per cent of the voters expressed their interest in buying the phone equipped with old technology. 4 per cent of the respondents voted "Can't say", indicating they may or may not buy the phone at the revised price.The poll conducted on got 2,678 votes and repeat voting was restricted using IP addresses and cookies.The company had globally discontinued the iPhone 4 in September last year with the launch of its flagship iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. Apple iPhone 4, which has been reintroduced in India, is now available on e-commerce site for Rs 21,999. The website says the product will be delivered in 4-5 business days. The phone is also available on for Rs 22,750.The model was earlier available in India for Rs 26,500.
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