Pranab talks tough on countries harbouring terrorists
Pranab talks tough on countries harbouring terrorists
He was a CII-sponsored 'Partnership Summit 2009' in Delhi.

New Delhi: Raising the pitch against countries that harbour terrorists, India on Wednesday said there should be zero tolerance to the scourge of terrorism and nations, which do not follow it should be made to “pay a heavy price” by the international community.

“Countries that do not follow zero tolerance to terrorism must be made to pay a heavy price by international community,” External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee told a CII-sponsored 'Partnership Summit 2009' in New Delhi.

Seeking an international partnership to root out the menace of terrorism, Mukherjee said the global community should ensure that the states, which sponsored terror, should be forced to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure.

“Countries that support or tolerate terrorism must have no choice but to dismantle terror infrastructure,” he said.

However, he did not name any country that he may have had in mind while making these strong remarks against terror-sponsoring countries.

Stating that Mumbai terror attacks had shocked the world, the minister told the gathering of international diplomats, foreign dignitary and industry honchos that terrorism was one of the threats that affected all nations.

Mukherjee said India had long faced the scourge of terrorist activities and pointed out that there was a need for developing technologies in the global efforts to counter terrorism.

“However, adequate security to ensure such technologies do not fall in the wrong hands have to be provided,” he added.

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