Water is a unique resource, save it!
Water is a unique resource, save it!
1100 million people do not have access to an adequate water supply.

Around 13 per cent of world's population, around 800 million people do not have access to nutritious food for healthy and productive life, resulting into persistent lack of water for the production of crops or raising the livestock.

1100 million people do not have access to an adequate water supply and 2,500 million lack access to a basic sanitation system, resulting into epidemics like malaria, diarrhoea, cholera etc.

Furthermore, the current economic crisis threatens, to make the situation worse.

In 2008, UN Warned, that the world needed 7,000 million dollars in specific humanitarian aid for the 30 million people in 31 countries that were under this critical situation.

Roca, from its very beginnings, has been committed to the environment in terms of both its products and its production processes.

Roca is keenly aware that water is a unique, limited resource, and has therefore spent more than 50 years developing water and energy saving devices for its products, thereby contributing to a more balanced and sustainable co-existence with our surroundings.

Its commitment to the responsible use and consumption of water has now taken on a new dimension with the making possible of the "We Are Water Foundation". By creating this Foundation, Roca aims to show its solidarity with those people and communities most affected by the water shortages and their consequences

Mr Emilio Salazar, Managing Director, Roca India, said, "It is time now to link our leadership to environmental issues, an area in which we have been already involved for more than 50 years. We Are Water Foundation is a part of our commitment to sustainability and with communities most affected by the lack of water and its consequences. The Foundation seeks to become a referral for the management of environmental issues and sustainable development, especially in everything related to water".

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