Love Mint? What Are Its Advantages, Side Effects And Who Should Have It?
Love Mint? What Are Its Advantages, Side Effects And Who Should Have It?
Mint is known for helping with digestion and stomach issues. Its relaxing effect on the digestive system helps with problems like indigestion.

Many of the ingredients in our food have medical properties that can benefit our health. Mint is one of them that comes with many health benefits. Mint leaves are often added to dishes for the refreshing scent and great taste. Some people include mint in their diet once or twice a week, while others include it daily. G Sushma a clinical dietitian at Banjara Hills Hyderabad Care Hospital, talked about the pros and cons of including mint in the diet.

There’s no particular amount that how much mint that should be taken daily, whether used in salads or tea. Most people find a moderate amount of mint is safe. Excessive consumption can lead to side effects. Consuming mint in moderation is important. So, let’s have a look at the benefits of taking mint daily:

Helps in Digestion

Mint is known for helping with digestion and stomach issues. Its relaxing effect on the digestive system helps with problems like indigestion.

Freshens Breath

Whether eaten raw or chewed, especially with peppermint, mint freshens your breath.


Mint is rich in antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body.

Boosts Brain Function

The aroma of mint is believed to stimulate the brain, improving alertness and cognitive function.

What are the side effects of consuming it?


Daily consumption of peppermint may cause heartburn in some people by relaxing the lower oesophagal sphincter, leading to increased acid reflux symptoms.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may experience skin reactions or other allergic symptoms.

Worsening of GERD Symptoms

People with GERD may experience worsening symptoms with excessive mint consumption.

Who should avoid mint?


Mint can be too strong for babies, so it’s best to consult a doctor before giving mint to them.

GERD sufferers

People suffering from Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) should be cautious about consuming moderate amounts of mint to prevent the symptoms from getting worse.

Allergic Individuals

Those allergic to mint or related plants should be careful.

Individual Reactions

Mint’s effects vary from person to person. If you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor or a dietitian.

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