7 Reasons Why You Must Start Eating Brown Rice
7 Reasons Why You Must Start Eating Brown Rice
Start including brown rice in your daily meal to see the difference in your health and even skin

Brown rice has become a popular grain, owing to the numerous health benefits it offers and its superiority to its more widely consumed relative, white rice. This rice is made by simply removing the outer husk of the grain and belongs to the whole grain family. This technique preserves the grain’s nutrient-dense bran and germ layer, making it a healthier alternative. In addition, it is somewhat chewier and has a nuttier flavour than white rice. Many people also consume germinated brown rice, which is just brown rice that has been soaked in water for a period prior to cooking. Guess what? It is gluten free!

Here are some amazing benefits of brown rice by Dietician Vidhi Chawla, Founder, Fisico Diet Clinic:

  1. Beneficial to diabeticsBrown rice has a lower glycemic index, which makes it ideal for persons with diabetes. This can assist to decrease insulin spikes, which is highly important in regulating blood sugar levels. Additionally, brown rice is a form of carbohydrate that can aid slow the rate of sugar absorption in the body. This also helps with diabetic management.
  2. Prevents ObesityMany people who want to lose weight substitute brown rice for white rice in their diet. This is due to its high manganese content, which aids in the synthesis of body fats. It can assist you in lowering your BMI (body mass index) and fat. Also, brown rice aids in the rise of HDL cholesterol in the body, which is beneficial. It has potent anti-obesity properties.
  3. Beneficial to digestionBrown rice has a lot of fibre, that aids to bulk up your stool and propel it down your digestive track. This is significant because it promotes regular and healthy bowel motions in humans. Additionally, brown rice has an additional layer of bran on the exterior that inhibits excessive acid absorption. As a result, texture retention throughout digestion is significantly improved. Brown rice can help with constipation and colitis.
  4. Beneficial to the heartThe explanation as to why numerous individuals prefer brown rice to white rice nowadays is that it is beneficial for your heart. It decreases harmful cholesterol levels in the body, preventing a slew of cardiovascular issues such as blocked arteries, heart problems, strokes, and an exhausted heart. It also aids in the management of hypertension as well as other vascular problems such as artery hardening. Overall, it protects and maintains the health of your cardiovascular system.
  5. Alzheimer’s disease preventionBrown rice contains gama-aminobutrynic acid, which aids in the prevention of neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. It even aids in the prevention of disease by blocking the enzyme protylendopetidase. This enzyme has been connected to Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Helps cure InsomniaBrown rice is effective for treating insomnia. This is due to its high concentration of melatonin, a sleep hormone. It can control your sleep cycle and give sound sleep when you do lie down, therefore curing all insomnia problems.
  7. Acts as an antidepressantAnother advantage of brown rice is that it serves as an antidepressant. This is due to the abundance of key nutrients found in germinated brown rice, such as glutamine, glycerine, and GABA. These are neurotransmitters that block brain signals associated with sadness, anxiety, and stress. They contribute to a feeling of well-being and contentment.Now you know the benefits of brown rice. Start including brown rice in your daily meal to see the difference in your health and even skin.

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