World Energy Conservation Day 2022: 7 Easy Tips To Save Energy
World Energy Conservation Day 2022: 7 Easy Tips To Save Energy
WORLD ENERGY CONSERVATION DAY 2022: 14th of December is observed as World Energy Conservation Day. This day aims at spreading awareness about the importance of conserving energy resources.

WORLD ENERGY CONSERVATION DAY 2022: 14th of December is observed as World Energy Conservation Day. This day aims at spreading awareness about the importance of conserving energy resources. Conserving energy is the first step towards a healthy, sustainable and greener future and on this day government, businesses, and non-profit organisations work to find effective solutions and raise awareness.

It is also our responsibility as citizens to reduce energy consumption, starting from our homes. On World Energy Conservation Day 2022, here’s a look at some of the methods for reducing power consumption.

Use LEDs

Utilizing LED (light-emitting diode) and bulbs can help you save on three fronts: the environment, money, and energy. LEDs use less energy while producing more light than conventional compact fluorescent light (CFL) or incandescent (ICL) bulbs.

Use Maximum Daylight

Use natural light as much as you can by turning off your lights during the day. This will lessen the strain on the neighbourhood power system and end up saving you a significant sum of money over time.

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Choose electrical equipment with an Energy Star rating above others when making a purchase decision. Appliances with an Energy Star rating use less energy and cost less to operate. Although they may initially cost you more, they will end up saving you considerably more money in the long run.

Switch Off Appliances When Not in Use

Even when not in use, electrical gadgets like coffee makers, idle printers, and desktop computers continue to use power. Simply turn them off if you don’t need them immediately.

Turn The AC Down

Turning down the AC means using it at a higher temperature. In fact, you can enjoy cooling at a higher temperature while lowering your energy consumption. When the temperature rises, say from 16 to 24 degrees Celsius, the compressor works for less time, resulting in less power consumption.

Make Way For Green Habitat

One of the new ideas and a step towards encouraging green living is green building, often known as sustainable building. Green buildings are built to consume less water and energy, conserve natural resources, produce less waste, and provide areas for a healthy and comfortable lifestyle.

Educate Children About It

Children are the future of the country. And there isn’t a better solution than teaching kids about energy conservation. When discussing energy conservation, the three key R’s to mention are reducing, reusing, and recycling.

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