After Severe Eye Injuries, Army to Use Modified Pellet Guns in Kashmir
After Severe Eye Injuries, Army to Use Modified Pellet Guns in Kashmir
With pellet guns leaving hundreds of protesters in Jammu and Kashmir with severe eye injuries, a modified version of the weapon will now be used to ward off any protest ahead or during any anti-militancy operations.

New Delhi: The CRPF will continue to use pellet guns in Kashmir but modify it to bring down injuries to civilians.

CRPF Director General K Durga Prasad, who is retiring on Tuesday, said the paramilitary force had taken the decision of modifying the pellet guns to minimise injuries. The modified version of pellet guns will have a "deflector", an attachment on the muzzle end to prevent the pellets from going up and hitting the upper part of the body.News18 was the first to report on Thursday that the force won't stop the use of pellet guns inspite of the criticism.

"Margin of error was 40% earlier. With deflectors we hope to bring it down to 2%," said an officer who had served in Kashmir. The CRPF said that pellets strayed and hit vital organs even when the gun was aimed below the waist. Now forces have been told to aim at the feet to minimise damage.

Durga Prasad also said that the BSF has been requested to modify PAVA shells to make them more effective. "Currently, the structure of the shell is such that miscreants hurl it back at forces before it emanates the chilly fumes. We have asked the BSF to make the body plastic or similar substance so that it'll explode as soon as it hits the ground,” the CRPF said.

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