YouTuber Spends A Night In 'World’s Loneliest House'. Watch How It Went
YouTuber Spends A Night In 'World’s Loneliest House'. Watch How It Went
The three entered the island after crossing through rough waters aboard a small boat that could pass for a lifeboat at sea.

Are you dreaming of running away to an isolated island and leaving the world behind? Well, that fantasy might become a reality if Elliðaey, an island located in the Atlantic off the south coast of Iceland and part of the Vestmann archipelago, is your thing. There is only one house here, and with no human residents, there isn’t much infrastructure.

It has been dubbed “the loneliest house in the world" online. Three years ago, an American YouTuber named Ryan Trahan chose to visit the house and document his stay.

He said that there were people who believed the house was constructed with funds provided by a billionaire who wanted to be prepared for a zombie attack. Others said that it was for a cult. But Ryan wanted to know the truth.

Close to the country’s capital, Reykjavik, Ryan said that he would order a cab, and then board a boat to get to Elliðaey, considered the most isolated island in the world.

He then recruited the assistance of a native, Bjarni Sigurdsson, who gained fame in 2019 when he too attempted to travel to the island. He then proposed to take him around with the help of a man called Ragnar.

The three entered the island after crossing through rough waters aboard a small boat that could pass for a lifeboat at sea.

He revealed that he was very anxious and had only been to the bathroom once in 48 hours.

Things got worse once they reached the island. There was no pier, so they had to scale the side of the island using ropes.

Once they reached the cabin-like house, surrounded by nothing but grass and wildlife, Ryan signed the guest book as the 11,265th visitor.

He then decided to point out the comfortable dining/sitting area where they had the steaks prepared by Bjarni.

Ragnar said that everything that was in the house was directly lifted up with bare hands by people which included all the materials and objects used in the construction of the house.

Ryan also showed the attic-sized room with seven beds where he would be sleeping for the night.

The next morning, Ryan revealed the wildlife on the island, including sheep, puffins and seals. When he asked if the house was built by a billionaire, Bjarni revealed that there used to be a smaller building a few meters away where bird scientists would stay while studying the rare puffins on the island.

The Icelandic duo explained that the food in their pantry could last about a week before spoiling, and since there was no hardware store nearby, they had a small workshop in the back.

Ragnar was then told to leave the island before the weather turned bad, and that could have stranded them there for up to a week.

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