Girl Names that Mean Moon
Many feminine names related to the moon either translate directly to “moon” in another language or have a meaning reminiscent of the moon—like “bright” or “white.” You’ll also find names that combine “moon” with other words, like “beautiful” or “moonlight.” Check out the options below: Aiday - Kazakh name meaning “moon-like.” Aidana - Kazakh name meaning “wise moon.” Aigerim - Kazakh name meaning “moon” (ay) and “wonderful” (kerim). Aikorkem - Kazakh name meaning “elegant moon.” Aiman - Kazakh name possibly meaning “my moon.” Aizere - Kazakh name meaning “golden moon.” Alcmene - Greek name meaning “strength” (alke) and “moon” (mene); Alcmene was the mother of Herakles in Greek mythology. Alina - Russian name meaning “bright one” or “shining one.” Altalune - Italian name meaning “grand moon.” Amaris - A girl’s name meaning “child of the moon” in Old Irish and “given by God” in Hebrew. Arianrhod - Welsh name meaning “silver wheel,” and associated with the moon in Welsh mythology. Aureole - Latin name meaning “radiant halo” and “golden.” Ayaru - Kazakh name meaning “beautiful moon.” Ayla - Turkish or Hebrew name meaning “moonlight,” though it can also mean “halo” or “oak tree.” Aylin (Ailin) - Turkish name meaning “moon (with Ailin being the Kazakh form of Aylin). Aynur - Turkish name meaning “moonlight.” Belinay - Turkish name meaning “reflection of the moon on a lake.” Bulan - Indonesian name meaning “moon” or “month.” Caleena - Greek name meaning “the moon.” Candra - Indonesian name meaning “glowing like the moon.” Celenia - A respelling of the Greek name “Selenia,” which comes from “Selene,” the Greek name for “the moon.” Celimine - A Greek and Latin name derived from the elements for “moon” and “heaven.” Channary - Khmer name meaning “moon-faced girl.” Chantrea - Cambodian name meaning “moonlight.” Ĉiela - Spanish name meaning “celestial,” and “from the sky.” Cynthia - A Greek epithet of Artemis, the ancient Greek goddess of the moon and hunt. Dilay - A name meaning “moon” in Turkish and “heart” in Persian. Feray - Turkish name meaning “radiance of the moon.” Gülay - Turkish and Azerbaijani name meaning “rose moon.” Hala - Arabic girl’s name meaning “halo around the moon.” Helen (Helene) - Greek name meaning “torch” or “corposant,” but likely related to the name Selene, which means “moon.” Hodesh - Hebrew name meaning “new moon” or “month.” Indumathi - Sanskrit name meaning “full moon.” Jaci - Native American name meaning “moon” in the Tupi language. Jacira - Native American name meaning “honey moon” in the Tupi language. Jyotsna - Hindi name meaning “moonlight.” Kamaria - Arabic name meaning “moon.” Killa - Quechua name meaning “moon.” Livana (Liviana) - Hebrew name meaning “the moon,” “white one,” or “to rise.” Lusine - Armenian feminine name meaning “moon.” Maha - Arabic name meaning “moon,” possibly short for “Mahdokht,” which means “daughter of the moon.” Mahsa - Persian name meaning “like the moon.” Mahin - Persian name meaning “related to the moon.” Mahina - Hawaiian name meaning “moon.” Mahri - Persian name likely meaning “moon” or “friendship, love, kindness.” Menodora - Greek name meaning “gift of the moon.” Mitsuki - Japanese girl’s name meaning “beautiful moon.” It can also mean “light” and “hope.” Mona - Old English name meaning “moon” (and the root word for the modern English word “moon”). Natsuki - Japanese name meaning “moon” and “vegetables, greens,” though it can also mean “summer” and “hope.” Nguyệt - Sino-Vietnamese name meaning “moon.” Nikini - A name meaning “full moon” in Sri Lanka’s language. Nilay - Turkish and Azerbaijani name combining the name of the Nile River (Nil) and “moon” (ay). Nuray - Turkish and Azerbaijani name meaning “bright moon.” Punam (Purnima) - Hindi and Sanskrit name meaning “full moon.” Sanda (San) - Burmese and Sanskrit name meaning “moon.” Sarangerel - Mongolian name meaning “moonlight.” Sarantuya - Mongolian name meaning “moonbeam.” Sasithorn - Thai name meaning “the moon.” Şenay - This jolly Turkish name means “merry moon.” Simay - Turkish name meaning “silver moon.” Tsukiko - Japanese girl’s name meaning “moon child.” Yue - Chinese name meaning either “cross, surpass” or “moon.”
Boy Names that Mean Moon
There are plenty of masculine names meaning “moon” (or relating to the moon in some way) as well. In the list below, you can even find names associated with a particular moon phase (like the full moon or new moon) if you want to get more specific! For example: Aibek (Oybek) - Kazakh and Kyrgyz name meaning “moon” (ay) and “chieftan” (beg). Aisultan - Kazakh name meaning “moon” (ay) and “king” (sultan). Anjur - This name is the Bosnian masculine version of Aynur (listed above). Aybars - Turkish name likely combining “moon” (ay) and “leopard” (bars). Ayberk - Turkish name meaning “moon” (ay) and “mighty” (berk). Ayhan (Ayxan) - Turkish name meaning “moon” (ay) and “ruler” (han), with Ayxan being its Azerbaijani form. Aykut - Turkish name meaning “lucky moon.” Badr (Badar) - Arabic name meaning “full moon,” with Badar being an alternate form. Badru - Arabic name meaning “born at the full moon,” derived from Badr. Berkay - Turkish name combining “mighty” (berk) with “moon” (ay). Chandrakant - Sanskrit name meaning “beloved by the moon.” Chandrashekhar - Sanskrit name meaning “crown of the moon.” It’s also an epithet of Shiva, the Hindu god of creation and destruction. Dal - Korean name meaning “moon.” Esmeray - Turkish name meaning “dark moon.” Getsumei - Japanese name meaning “moonlight.” Günay - Turkish name made from the words “sun” (gün) and “moon” (ay). Hang - Vietnamese name meaning “moon.” Himanshu - Hindu name meaning “moon.” Koray - Turkish name meaning “ember moon.” Lebanah - Hebrew name meaning “moon,” derived from the word “lavan,” meaning “white.” Luan - Portuguese name meaning “moon,” though it also means “lion” in Albanian and “warrior” in Gaelic. Mani - Old Norse name meaning “moon,” though it also means “jewel in Sanskrit. Mahrukh - African name meaning “face of the moon.” Mayank - Hindu name meaning “moon” in Sanskrit. Mayar - Turkish name meaning “moon glow.” Pulan - Chamory name meaning “moon.” Quacey - Scottish name meaning “moonlight.” Rakesh - Sanskrit name meaning “lord of the full moon.” Ramachandra - Hindu name combining the name of the deity Rama with the Sanskrit word “candra,” meaning “moon.” San - Burmese name meaning “moon.” Shashi - A traditional name for the moon in Sanskrit, although it directly translates to “having a hare.” Sharad - Hindu name based on a phase on the Hindu calendar; the autumn full moon is known as “Sharad.” Tarkik - Inuit name meaning “moon” in Iñupiaq and Inuktitut. Taqqiq - This is another Innuit name meaning “moon” in Inuktitut. Tharindu - Sinhala name meaning “moon.” Tuncay - Turkish and Azerbaijani name meaning “bronze moon.” Yereah - An old Hebrew name meaning “moon.”
Unisex Names that Mean Moon
If you don’t want the name you choose to sound totally masculine or feminine, there are options to fit your preferences! Plenty of cultures have unisex names that regularly apply to men, women, and people of neither gender—including names that mean “moon.” Those names include: Aadhira - Hindu name meaning “lightning,” “strong,” or “the moon.” Aigul - Kazakh name derived from the Turkish word for “moon” and “flower.” Ainar - Kazakh name meaning “fire moon” or “pomegranate moon.” Aruna - Sanskrit name meaning “love” or “affection” combined with “moon,” though it can also translate to “reddish-brown” for the color of the rising sun. Aysima - Turkish name meaning “face like the moon.” Aysun - Another Turkish name similar to Aysima meaning “one whose face is as beautiful as the moon.” Aytaç - Turkish name meaning “moon” and “crown.” Chan - A name meaning “moon” in the Khmer language of Cambodia. Dawa - Tibetan name meaning “moon” or “month.” Eirian - Welsh name meaning “bright, beautiful,” which is reminiscent of the moon. Hilal - Meaning “crescent moon,” this name is usually masculine in Arabic and feminine in Turkish. Ilkay - Unisex name meaning “new moon” in Turkish. Miray - Arabic or Turkish name that possibly means “commander” and “moon,” though its exact meaning is unclear. Monday - This name for a day of the week is derived from “mona,” which means “moon” in Old English (and “dæg,” meaning “day”). Moon - This is the plain English word for moon because it can be a surprisingly cool first or middle name! Muraco - A Native American name meaning “white moon.” Purnama - Indonesian name meaning “full moon” in Sanskrit. Qamar - Gender-neutral Arabic name meaning “moon.” Sen - A Japanese name associated with the lotus flower, which is sometimes symbolic of the moon and lunar cycle. Tsiuri - Georgian name meaning “heavenly, celestial.” Tülay - Turkish name meaning “bright like the moon” or “tulle moon.”
God and Goddess Names that Mean Moon
Are you looking for a name with some extra gravitas or majesty? The name of a god or goddess associated with the moon might be just the thing—especially since some of the common names today (like “Selene” and “Luna”) come from gods in ancient mythology around the world! These names include: Aku - This is the Scandinavian name for “moon god.” Artemis - The ancient Greek goddess of the moon and hunting. Astennu - This name means “god of the moon,” as was the name of a creature in Egyptian mythology. Chandra - This is the name of the Hindu goddess of the moon. Chang’e - The name of the moon goddess in Chinese mythology. Deva - A divine being in the Hindu and Buddhist religions; the name means “shining one.” Devana - The Slavic goddess of the moon, hunting, and forests. Diana - The name of the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting. Elatha - A king of the Fomorians in Irish mythology associated with the moon. Iah - A lunar deity in ancient Egyptian mythology. Ilargi - The goddess of the moon in Basque mythology. Khonsu - Another moon god in the ancient Egyptian religion. Kuu - The Finnish name for the goddess of the moon, though it also means “sky” in Japanese. Luna - The name of the Roman goddess of the moon, though it also means “moon” in Latin, Italian, and Spanish. Marama - The moon god (or goddess) in Māori mythology. Melinoe - The Greek goddess of ghosts and spirits, although she was also associated with the moon. Metztli - The name of the Aztex god (or goddess) of the moon. Nanna - The ancient Sumerian god of the moon, and one of the oldest gods of the Mesopotamian pantheon. Nima - Persian name meaning “moon” or “half-moon.” Ourania - A goddess of astronomy and astrology in Greek mythology. The name itself means “heavenly.” Selene (Selena, Celina) - Selene was the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology, and her name has many variants, as shown here. Tsukuyomi - The name of the Japanese god of the moon; the name means “moon” (tsuku) and “to read” (yomi).
Names Inspired by Planetary Moons
Not all names associated with the moon actually mean “moon.” Plenty of them don’t mean “moon” at all; rather, they’re shared by various moons in our solar system. And, since sharing a name with one of Jupiter or Saturn’s moons sounds pretty cool, here’s a list of names inspired by planetary moons: Aegaeon - The name of the Greek god of storms, and also one of Saturn’s moons. Aitne - One of Jupiter’s moons and a Greek name meaning “I burn.” Arche - One of Jupiter’s moons and the name of one of the muses in Greek mythology. Ariel - The Hebrew name of one of Uranus’ moons. Atlas - The Greek name of one of Saturn’s moons, meaning “to endure.” Apollo - Greek name meaning “destroyer,” and the name of the United States’ first crewed mission to the moon. Callisto - Callisto is the third lagrgest moon in the solar system (belonging to Jupiter). Caliban - One of Uranus’ moons, named after a character in The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Charon - This name comes from Greek mythology as the name of the ferryman of Hades; it’s also Pluto’s largest moon. Deimos - Named after the Greek god of terror, Deimos is one of Mars’s moons. Dia - Named after the Greek goddess associated with the seashore, Dia is one of Jupiter’s moons. Dione - Dione is one of Saturn’s moons, and the name of Aphrodite’s mother in Greek mythology. Elara - One of Jupiter’s moons and the name of one of Zeus’s lovers in Greek mythology. Europa - One of Jupiter’s moons and the name of the Phoenician king Tyre’s daughter in Greek mythology. Io - One of Jupiter’s moons and an Argive princess in Greek mythology. Isone - An Old English name meaning “moon,” and one of the moons of Jupiter. Janus - A moon of Saturn named after the Roman god Janus, whose name means “divine gate.” Kale - The name of one of Jupiter’s moons, coming from the Old English word “ceorl” (“free man.”) Larissa - One of Neptune’s moons, named after a nymph in Greek mythology. Miranda - The name of one of Uranus’s moons, named after a character in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Neil - An Irish name meaning “champion”—and the name of Neil Armstong, the first man to walk on the moon. Oberon - One of Uranus’ moons, named after the character Oberon in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Phoebe - A Greek name meaning “radiant” and one of Saturn’s moons. Portia - One of Saturn’s moons, named after a character in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Proteus - A Greek name meaning “first” and the name of one of Neptune’s moons. Rhea - A Greek name meaning “to flow,” and one of Saturn’s moons. Thalassa - The personification of the sea in Greek mythology and one of Neptune’s moons. Titan - Saturn’s largest moon, named after the Titan gods in Greek mythology. Titania - The Queen of Fairies in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and one of Uranus’ moons. Triton - Neptune’s largest moon, named after the Greek sea god Triton.
Names that Mean Stars for Girls
Even if moon names aren’t exactly what you’re looking for, you might find something you love in a related category—names associated with the stars and constellations in the night sky! Take a look at some of the feminine “star” names out there: Arabella - Latin name meaning “beautiful like a star.” Astra - Greek name meaning “star.” Carina - The name of a constellation in the southern sky; it also means “dear little one” in Italian. Danica - Slavic name meaning “morning star” (and also the personification of the morning star in Slavic mythology). Elanor - A name meaning “star sun” in the fictional Sindarin language from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Estelle (Estella) - French name meaning “star.” Esther - Another name derived from the French word for “star.” Haruko - Japanese girl’s name meaning “sun child.” Hōkūlani - Hawaiian name meaning “heavenly star.” Hoshiko - Another Japanese name meaning “star child.” Lyra - A constellation in the northern sky containing the star Vega. Seren - Welsh name meaning “star.” Starla - A girl’s name based on the English word “star.” Stella - Latin name meaning “star.” Tara - Hindu name meaning “star” in Sanskrit. Zoryana - Ukrainian name meaning “star” and “dawn.”
Names that Mean Stars for Boys
There are just as many stars and constellations with traditionally masculine-sounding names. So, if that’s what you’re looking for, take a look at the following collection: Altair - Altair is the name of a star in the Aquila constellation and means “the flyer” in Arabic. Astrophel - Greek name meaning “star lover.” Azhar - Arabic name meaning “shining bright” and “brilliant.” Byeong-Ho - Korean name representing stars; it combines “bright” with “vast” or “sky.” Caelum - The name of a constellation in the southern sky meaning “heaven” in Latin. Cosmo - Greek name derived from the word “kosmos,” meaning “universe.” Esteban - Spanish name meaning “crowned with stars.” Itri - North African name meaning “star.” Leo - The fifth sign of the zodiac and a constellation named after the lion. Lucien - French form of the Roman name “Lucius,” meaning “giver of light.” Najam - Arabic name meaning “star.” Orion - A constellation named after the hunter in Greek mythology. Shihab - Arabic name meaning “shooting star.” Starling - Old English name meaning “little star” (though it’s also the name of a bird species). Ylli - Albanian name meaning “star.”
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