How to Braid Your Hair with a Ribbon
How to Braid Your Hair with a Ribbon
Braiding ribbon into your hair is a neat way to improve upon an already fantastic hairstyle. Using the color ribbon of your choice, you can mix and match with your outfits to complete your look.

Wash your hair if it's not clean. If clean, brush it.

Add your parting where you would like it to be. A parting will work best if it's in a place where it has been parted before, so as not to pull your hair or look askew.

Split your hair into three almost equal sections. The thickness of the sections will depend on which braid you are doing, for example, a fishtail, Dutch braid, etc., just be sure you know how to braid the type. Have your ribbon at the ready, and also a bobby pin.

Place the ribbon by one section of hair. Clip it into place on a part of your top hair that you won't be braiding. It is also possible to braid in a ribbon for each strand. If you decide to do this, it's best to try with just one ribbon first, to get the hang of it, then try the three strands. Also, be sure to either use all the same color of ribbon for each strand of hair, or match the colors so that they don't clash.

Begin braiding in the way that you would usually do. Again, braid according to the type of braid you have chosen. As you braid, keep the ribbon aligned at all times with the same section of hair you chose to begin with. If you've added a ribbon to each of the sections of hair, keep each ribbon aligned with that section of hair.

Continue braiding until you reach a good place to finish, or you have run out of ribbon/hair. Secure it tightly with a hair band/bobble to ensure that it doesn't fall out. You could add a cute hairband to finish off your look, or maybe even a bit of holding spray to fix in any unwanted flyaways. If you want it to be a bit messy, just leave it be.

Use a clip, if wished. If you perhaps wanted to hide the bobby pin, or even the hair bobble, you could retrieve a prettier clip from somewhere, or wrap a bit of left over hair around the bobble and clip that into place, too.

Done. The braided hair now contains a strand of ribbon running through it. At each upturned interval of the hair section that contains the ribbon, the color will show outward for everyone to see. It's a very effective look, especially when paired with your clothing color scheme.

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