How to Buy a Betta Fish
How to Buy a Betta Fish
Bettas are a beautiful breed of fish known for their vibrant colors, and their long, flowing fins. If you are interested in owning a Betta, you will need to know what to expect. This article will help you with the process of purchasing, owning, and general care for your new friend.

Setting Up the Tank

Make sure to have the correct equipment for your fish. You will need to start by purchasing a tank. There are many different tank options available online, and at pet stores. Just make sure to purchase a tank with a minimum of 2.5 gallons. Remember, bigger is always better. Bettas thrive in tanks with lots of swimming room and could become bored, and not live long in a smaller tank.

Purchase plants, substrate, and decorations. Either live plants or fake plants will work. If you purchase fake plants, however, make sure they have no sharp edges or anything that may rip the Bettas' fins. Substrate is any kind of gravel, sand, or rock used at the bottom of aquariums. You can buy whatever substrate pleases you. Just be sure nothing is painted, because paint chips can be toxic to the water. Decorations are good for making your aquarium fun. They also keep your Betta feeling safe, and it gives them something to swim around, and hide in. You can purchase any decorations you like. Just remember, no sharp edges!

Don't forget to have a filter and heater. These are also necessary items to help with the upkeep of the water, and the general health of the fish. Purchase a low-power filter. High-powered filters can stress Betta fish as they aren't the strongest swimmers. If you cannot find a low powered filter, consider buying a filter sponge, to slow down the flow of the water. Bettas are tropical fish that comes from a tropical climate of around 78–82 °F (26–28 °C). So a heater and thermometer are necessary items to keep the Betta happy and healthy.

Purchase a water conditioner. The last, and most important step, is to purchase a water conditioner. Water conditioner removes all harmful chlorine, and chemicals from the water that may be harmful to your Betta fish.

Set your tank. Remember to rinse out everything including the tank. Only use water, and do not use soap. Soap is very hard to completely rinse out, and can be toxic to fish. Start by adding your substrate. Fill it up to about 2 inches (5.1 cm) deep. Next, add your decorations, and plants. You can set them up however you like. Fill the tank with water, hook up the heater, the filter, and turn them on. Add the conditioner, and let the tank run (cycle) for at least 4-6 weeks before adding the fish.

Purchasing and Adding Fish into Your Tank

Buy your fish from a good store. There are many different pet stores, and even online breeders to choose from. If you purchase the fish online, make sure it is from a reputable breeder you're buying from. If you want a long-lived fish, purchase a healthy one. Most online breeders take very good care of their fish, and you won't have to worry about the health of the Betta. If you buy from a pet store, look at each fish carefully. They should be active, and react when you come near, and their colors should be vibrant, and their fins should look beautiful, and healthy. When you see the one, buy it!

Add the fish to your tank. Once you have brought home your new friend, you will move on to the most exciting part, adding it to the tank! Start by placing the plastic cup, or bag you brought your fish in into the tank. This is called acclimating. It helps the fish get used to the temperature in the tank, without stressing them. Do this for about 30 minutes. Once the 30 minutes are up, release them, and let them explore their new home!

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