Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit
Write down the formula for converting Kelvin to Fahrenheit. The formula is: ºF = 1.8 x (K - 273) + 32.
Write down the Kelvin temperature. The Kelvin temperature in this example is 373 K. Remember that you should not use degrees when measuring the temperature in Kelvin.
Subtract 273 from the Kelvin temperature. Just subtract 273 from 373. 373 - 273 = 100.
Multiply the result by 9/5 or 1.8. Now, multiply the answer, 100, by 1.8. 100 * 1.8 = 180.
Add 32 to your final answer. Just add 32 to 180 to get your final answer. 180 + 32 = 212. Therefore, 373 K = 212ºF.
Convert Kelvin to Celsius
Write down the formula for converting Kelvin to Celsius. The formula is: ºC = K - 273.
Write down the Kelvin temperature. In this case, let's use 273 Kelvin.
Subtract 273 from the Kelvin temperature. Just subtract 273 from 273. 273 - 273 = 0. Therefore, 273K = 0 ºC.
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