How to Do an Open Turn in Swimming
How to Do an Open Turn in Swimming
Whether you are swimming competitively or just doing laps in a pool, it is important to know how to do an open turn. When you are swimming a lap and reach the pool wall, an open turn will allow you to quickly turn around and swim back to the other side of the pool. Open turns are generally used when you’re doing the butterfly stroke or the breaststroke, so a general knowledge of swimming and these two strokes are necessary before you begin.

Touching the Wall

Swim towards the wall. When you’re on your last stroke of the butterfly or breaststroke, move your head to look straight down at the bottom of the pool. Your last stroke should bring you about half a body length away from the pool wall. If you are more than half a body length from the wall, give an extra kick in the water to push yourself forward.

Extend your arms to reach for the wall. Keep your arms straight and your elbows locked while reaching. Your arms should remain about shoulder’s width apart.

Touch the wall with your palms. Keep your palms flat against the wall without grabbing the edge of the pool. Make sure to keep your hands against the wall. Do not hang onto the lip of the pool; this might cause you cling to the wall and slow you down. Keep your legs close together and begin to bend them at the knee.

Tucking and Preparing to Turn

Tuck your legs up and put both feet on the wall, keeping your body curled. As you’re doing this, keep one hand on the wall, and bend the other arm into the side of your body. The leg tuck will force your body back, so your face and torso should now be turned towards the ceiling, and your legs should be bent at the knee. Bending one arm in at the elbow will cause your body to pivot slightly right or left (depending on which arm you bend). Try to bend the arm in quickly to help your body begin turning faster. Keeping one arm bent in will help the body get ready to flip over. You can bend either the right arm or the left arm - whatever feels the most natural to you. Tuck your body as if you’re curling up into a ball. While tucking, keep your knees pointing straight up towards the ceiling. This will help keep you moving in a straight line when you push off.

Bring the hand that is touching the wall back and over your head. Use a slicing motion when you do this movement. Neither hand should be touching the wall now. Bend your elbow as you are slicing through the water, and bring the arm over the crown of your head. Watch your hand move over your head. Keeping it straight will help you push off straight.

Straighten both arms and legs. As you straighten your arms, bring them tightly around your head and touch your hands together into a streamlined position. Straightening your arms and legs will force you to be pushed away from the wall. Streamlining your body will help reduce water resistance while you propel yourself forward.

Pushing Off and Continuing the Movement

Push off from the wall. Use your feet and legs to push your body away from the side of the pool. Try to push with a little force in order to create some forward momentum in the water. As you push, your body should naturally start to turn either right or left. This will depend on the arm you bent while tucking your legs initially.

Twist your body so your face and stomach face the floor. At this point, your body will be moving in a straight line away from the side of the pool. Twist onto your stomach quickly. This should be fairly simple with the forward momentum and turning motion you achieved while pushing off from the wall.

Glide for 2-3 seconds. Use the momentum from your push-off to shoot straight forward in the water. Keep your arms straight and don’t kick or do any strokes yet. Just let yourself glide forward.

Begin kicking your legs and moving your arms. The way you move will depend on the type of stroke you are doing. If you are doing a butterfly stroke, do about 4 dolphin kicks. If you are doing a breaststroke, start your pullout.

Swim forward in your chosen style. Do the butterfly or breaststroke back across the pool. Repeat the open turn when you reach the other end.

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