How to Freeze Avocados
How to Freeze Avocados
Leftover avocado doesn't need to be composted; if you've got a glut of avocado, freeze it. Especially since avocados seem to spoil when you turn your back, knowing how to freeze them properly is a life (and money) saver.

Puréed Avocado

Choose very ripe avocados.

Wash the avocados you're going to freeze.

Peel each avocado. To peel, cut the avocado in half around the seed. Twist each half to open it up. Use a teaspoon to lift out the seed.

Puree the avocados. Set up your food processor. Add the avocado and for every two avocados, add one tablespoon of lemon or lime juice. Puree. If you can't puree the avocados, then mash them with a fork.

Put the pureed avocados into an airtight container. Leave a small space between the puree and the lid.

Label and date. The avocado can be kept frozen for up to 5-6 months.

Use. After freezing, pureed avocado is good use in dips, guacamole, soups, salads, sandwich or wrap spreads and for frosting mixes that use avocado. To thaw, leave the container in the refrigerator 12 to 24 hours before use, to allow gradual thawing. If you can't wait that long, place into a bowl and run cold water over it.

Easier Method

Cut a ripe avocado in half. Wrap in foil or plastic food wrap.

Place each half in the freezer.

When frozen, place each frozen half in a resealable bag. Label and date the bag.

To thaw, place at room temp for about an hour or place in microwave on defrost or low for just under a minute. The resulting pulp works well in guacamole, chocolate pudding, cake batter, etc.

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