How to Write a One Shot
How to Write a One Shot
A one-shot is a short literary work that is over 100 words and can stretch on for however long you like. However, it is only one installment, and does not have multiple chapters. Another word for it could be short story.

Decide what to write about. It can be romantic, dramatic or whatever you want it to be.

Choose your character(s). It's easier to pick people from a fandom (for example Harry Potter) because then you don't have to describe them. If you want to write a prose one-shot you should use simple characters, but if you do and if you wanna write a description - keep it short. Going into details about your characters would be better suited for a chaptered story, so if you find yourself heading down this path, don't be afraid to break that "one-shot" up into chapters.

Think of a situation. It could be a first kiss, a car crash, a dream, etc. Make this situation real, and write down the emotions of your main character so that your readers can feel them.

Sometimes it helps to pick a word or a sentence you want to put in that one shot. You can build your story around it, and it can be your inspiration.

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