A floating marvel on Dal Lake
A floating marvel on Dal Lake
After floating restaurants, floating discotheques and floating markets, what next? Well, lo and behold, it's a floating post office now.

After floating restaurants, floating discotheques and floating markets, what next? Well, lo and behold, it's a floating post office now.

And where else could a thing of such beauty fit better than in Kashmir. This water wonder on the Dal Lake has withstood many a storm for 40 years.

There is nothing so watery about its facilities though.

Apart from the regular services, this floating post office has speed post, banking and phone bill payment services.

According to the sub-post master, Gulam Mohammed Sheikh, it's the most unique post office in the world. It has never been shut down, though there was a lull in the last decade due to the disturbances.

But now since the last four to five years, it's back to brisk business again.

For locals in the valley, the floating post office is a part of their everyday life. Thanks to the floating post office, even the Shikarawallahs are now using the saving bank services.

"This floating post office has many benefits. Being strategically located on the Dal Lake, it is of great convenience to the Shikarawallahs. The saving bank service available here is very popular with them," says Mohammad Abrahaem, a local resident.

This water wonder is now a landmark on Dal Lake. Tourists from all over the world come not only to see this, but also to use its many facilities.

Next time you are in the valley, don't forget to visit this floating marvel. This is one post office, you aren’t going to forget in a hurry.

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