AAI strike fails to disrupt flights
AAI strike fails to disrupt flights
The AAI employees however, kept up their sound and fury throughout the day.

New Delhi: There were worries about delays and difficulties at airports on Wednesday.

While the flights took off on time, the protesting workers managed to land some passengers into trouble, at least at Kolkata Airport.

“The bathrooms are filthy,” says a passenger.

Even though the AAI employees used the shutting down of Bangalore and Hyderabad airports as an excuse for the agitation.

The twin centres were largely unaffected while 50 Air Force employees handling ground safety and on-ground operations ensured Hyderabad didn’t run into rough weather and Bangalore managed with flying colours due to the additional hands at the airport.

But the AAI employees kept up their sound and fury throughout the day.

“We are on an indefinite strike,” says Joint Secretary, Airport Authority, Stanley Sampat Kumar.

The country's biggest airports at Delhi and Mumbai, already into private hands, took recourse to a back up from the airforce and state police and fire services for all essential services, ensuring that the agitation ended not with a bang, but with a whimper.

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