Do you feel that your life is a total disaster and you are heading nowhere? Be it career, relationship or even health, certain issues in our lives keep nagging us and when we reach the flash point we either give up and go into a shell or have a complete breakdown.Feng Shui could help us tide over such situations but for Feng Shui to help you, one needs to have persistence and determination.You can pass it off as a superstitious belief system and wonder how little chimes, bells, fountains can change all that has gone wrong so far in your life and make you more skeptical but all I can say is Feng Shui for sure creates the right harmony, frame of mind and makes you tap into your inner potential to unlock the hidden strength within you.Firstly chart out all that has gone wrong so far and prioritise the situation. Have things started falling apart after you possibly moved certain things or added them in your home or office or is it something to do with your new home – a renovation you carried out or a construction? For a person not exposed to the intricacies of Feng Shui analysing these things may not be obvious but little things like clutter in certain areas of your home or office could trigger off a series of negative situations.After you have a better and clearer picture as to which areas of your life are working and which ones are crying for attention, look around and see what is happening in your space on a very basic level. Is your bedroom cluttered, generating negative vibes and smelling stale? Next look around the main door – is it looking fresh and drawing a positive feel and good chi energy is your lobby, foyer or verandah looking clean, inviting and unblocked or is it chaotic? Chaos at the entry will for sure bring in the same kind of energy and feel in your life. Is the movement of energy conducive and going right into the house or is it getting blocked due to furniture, décor etc? Check whether your kitchen and bathroom are looking good or do they smell bad and look bad. Kitchen is attributed to your nourishing and the ability to sustain yourself while the bathroom is all about learning to take care of yourself and the ability to let go, and both are important for your well being at all levels.After having scanned your space, taking care of every detail that surrounds you, the messages your items are carrying in terms of colours,emotions,their state of being, the possible cluttered spots and adjusting them properly, adapt Feng Shui into your space and organise things to not just look better but make you feel good. This is when the right cures need to be activated and positioned but remember – you need to de-clutter before applying the more advanced levels of Feng Shui, or they will most probably not work for you.And yes, you should definitely strengthen the North sector or the area of your home or office, as it is connected to your path in life, or career.Both, water and metal element colours, are good in this sector and you could even place images connected to the growth of your career and overall growth as a human being on this earth.
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