COIMBATORE: Anna University, Chennai, has decided to conduct Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) for admission to MBA, MCA and PG engineering courses two months in advance in March, following requests from students that the dates clash with other competitive exam dates.“Earlier we used to conduct TANCET entrance exams in the last week of May. But, the student community has been making representations to us for the last couple years that the TANCET...dates clash with the dates of other competitive...exam dates,” G Nagarajan, Secretary of TANCET and Director of Entrance Examination, Anna University, Chennai, told Express on Friday.Nagarajan further said, “So, we decided to advance the TANCET exam dates by two months from this year, after getting clearance from the State government. We expect over a lakh students to appear for the TANCET examination this year.”The exam for MBA and MCA will be held on March 31 and for PG engineering on April 1.
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