Cong puts Jaswant on notice in RS
Cong puts Jaswant on notice in RS
Party moves privilege motion against him, creates scene after House chairman stops them from raising issue.

New Delhi: The Congress on Wednesday moved a privilege motion in the Rajya Sabha against former external affairs minister Jaswant Singh for misleading the House.

Congress members, led by V Narayanasamy, sought to raise a privilege motion against Singh, who is Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha. Soon after the Question Hour, Narayanasamy along with several of his party colleagues were up on their feet waving newspapers accusing Singh of breach of privilege over the issue.

But Chairman Bhairon Singh Shekhawat disallowed Narayanasamy from raising it saying until he examined the notice.

"I am examining it. Till I take any decision, you will not be allowed to speak. Showing newspapers is also a breach of privilege of the House," Shekhawat said.

This sparked angry protests from Congress members and in the din, senior Congress member Santosh Bagrodia wanted to know whether the letter given by Singh in the course of his statement yesterday in the House was authenticated.

The Chairman said he would look at papers and then give his ruling. After ten minutes of noisy scenes and procedural wrangles on when a point of order could be raised, the matter was set to rest and the next listed business regarding the plight of farmers was taken up.

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