Diabetes, hypertension screening for 30+ in UT
Diabetes, hypertension screening for 30+ in UT
PUDUCHERRY: The 30 plus population here may undergo screening for diabetes and hypertension soon if health director Dr K V Ramans..

PUDUCHERRY: The 30 plus population here may undergo screening for diabetes and hypertension soon if health director Dr K V Raman’s announcement on Sunday is anything to go by.He reiterated he had a meeting with health ministry officials recently in New Delhi to this effect.Delivering the inaugural address at a five-day workshop on medicinal plants and Siddha medicine system, he said that the drive, which would be the first of its kind in the UT, would be launched after getting the go-ahead from Chief Minister N Rangasamy.He pointed out that poor life style and fast food were responsible for these diseases. He said that Puducherry has 22 samadhis of siddhars and the younger generation should take an interest to learn more about it.Dr J Annathai, assistant director with the Regional Research Institute (Siddha), who delivered the keynote address, said that siddha medicines would not have any side effects. She said that Tamil Nadu and Puducherry have knowledge on the chemistry of the ancient siddha medicine, which is fast vanishing. She also said that many households here have the anjarai petti (spice box with five compartments), which contains chukku (dried ginger) milagu (pepper), pippali (long pepper), kadugu (mustard) and jeeragam (cumin seed) in their kitchens. These ingredients can help cure several ailments.

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