Fairer sex to get flexible timings
Fairer sex to get flexible timings
If Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal has his way, women scientists will soon be able to choose their working hours.

New Delhi: If Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal has his way, women scientists will soon be able to choose their working hours.

But the larger implication is for all working women. What is happening in the Science and Technology Ministry will set a precedent that others will be forced to follow.

Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal has given women scientists reason to smile as they will soon be able to juggle their home and career in a more friendly manner.

"Ninety per cent of the gold medallists in bio sciences and life sciences are women. But we find that these women are later missing in the middle level and the senior level," Dr Vineeta Sharma, DST said.

"They seem to have lost their cutting edge in research and development because of family pressures," Sharma added.

Madhumita Patel is a project scientist at IIT working on extracting nutrients from the mahua flower. Dr Seema Mishra's projects related to adding nutrients to cattle fodder. Both have young children and are torn between the workplace and home. Both have separate demands from the Government.

Madhumita Patel wants flexible working hours while Seema Mishra demands a good creche at the workplace.

Responding to such appeals Sibal decided to change things. He set up a task force to find ways of getting women back to the labs and announced in parliament that his ministry will soon be changing the rules for them.

"We will be giving women flexible working hours, the option of working from home and a longer maternity leave," Kapil Sibal said.

Women scientists across the country are involved in path breaking research. But social and family pressures are forcing many to put their careers on the backburner.

Government schemes can help but not without an accompanying change in attitudes in the workplace.

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