Gen V S Atem on Naga aspirations
Gen V S Atem on Naga aspirations
Gen V S Atem explains his point of view on the issues that have caused unrest in the North-Eastern states to CNN-IBN.

In an exclusive interview, Emissary to collective leadership, National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN)-IM, Gen V S Atem, explains to V K Shashikumar, Special Investigations, CNN-IBN his point of view on the issues that have caused unrest in the north-eastern states.

V K Shashikumar: What are those issues that are very relevant at this point of time to the Naga people?

Gen V S Atem: The Nagas have nothing in common with the Indians – racially, historically, culturally, politically. The Nagas have always been portrayed as rebels or divisive people rebelling against the Government of India whereas Nagas have not been a part of India at all and we feel that there is no question of rebellion or trying to secede the Government of India.

We have been projected as rebels or trying to secede at the instigation of external forces. They say American missionaries are instigating the Nagas to take up arms and fight against India. They say the Chinese are behind the Nagas or Pakistanis are backing the Nagas. This is all nonsense. Nagas have never been instigated and Nagas have not fought just because Chinese have provided AK-47 rifles to the Nagas or just because Americans have provided dollars to the Nagas. Before we even got a bullet from Pakistan or People’s Republic of China, Nagas have been blazing their stand before the Government of India as well as the British government, beginning from the late 1920s.

V K Shashikumar: What is the framework of a solution that would be acceptable to the Naga people? That will fully satisfy the aspirations of the Naga people?

Gen V S Atem: After we entered into negotiations across the table with the Government (GOI), Indian prime ministers one after another have been telling us that we must seek an honorable and mutually acceptable solution and the GOI is fully committed to it. But the Nagas have been captivated and sub-divided arbitrarily. One brother is on one side, the other brother on the other side.

The father is on one side, the son is on the other side and Indians are talking about an honourable and acceptable solution. Indian prime ministers have been saying that the Nagas will get the rightful place to live with human dignity. But then when the son is kept forcibly on the other side, separated from the parents, where is the dignity? Where is the honour?


V K Shashikumar: Do you have a plan in mind for your concept of a ‘Greater Nagaland’? Do you have the first steps in mind?

Gen V S Atem: Why not ask the Naga people whether they are satisfied with the present arrangement or would they like to work out an arrangement of their own choice? Because Nagas are not occupying anyone else’s land. They’re occupying the land that belongs to them. Other people don’t have even an inch of land in the land of the Nagas. This is the reality. It’s not a cooked-up story. For example, look at Manipur, where Nagas are living in four districts. Why not ask the Nagas? They’re forcibly kept there against their wish and also their inherent rights. They live together with their other brothers.

Look to Assam, a land that belonged to our ancestors was just transferred through one after another official notification just because the British Government wanted to extend railways after they struck oil deposits there. Nagas are as cheap as their commercial interests. When tea industry was gaining importance in the market, just because they wanted to protect the tea garden labourers, the land of the Nagas was transferred to Assam.

V K Shashikumar: Do you think the Nagas should be talking to the Manipuri ethnic groups to find a solution?

Gen V S Atem: Why should we talk to the Manipuris? We have no problem with them. They’re occupying their own land. We’re not asking for their land. Manipuris do not have even an inch of land in the land of the Nagas. I have a wife, should I ask my neighbour about my wife’s relationship with me? It is ridiculous! It is absurd! If I have a problem with my wife, I’ll discuss it with my wife, not with my neighbour.

I have a daughter, my parenthood of my daughter should not be referred to the neighbours. I’ve been fighting with the GOI and it is competent enough to settle the case with the Nagas. The PM said in an election campaign in Assam about seeking consent from the neighbouring states. It’s nonsense. I don’t see any statesmanship in the statement because I have not fought with the Assamese or the Manipuris. I have fought with the GOI and the GOI said no let us seek a peaceful solution through negotiation across the table.


V K Shashikumar: Is this the last chance to peace?

Gen V S Atem: That depends on how the GOI will take the initiative politically. So far, let me say honestly, we’re not happy at all because GOI has not been able to act according to its commitment given to us in the last round of talks on the extension of ceasefire. After much discussion, the Indian leaders have realised that the Nagas have a unique case and their history is different. So the GOI in 2002 declared its recognition of the uniqueness of Naga history and political situation.

We have given our assurance to the GOI that Nagas are willing to come as close as possible with India. It doesn’t mean that we’ll come up to every point of the GOI. Our general secretary used to tell Mr Padmanamaiah that coming up to your toilets is not a solution. We are prepared to come as close as possible and we can assure that we will not do anything that would be detrimental to the security of India.

V K Shashikumar: So law and order, finance and economy would vest with the Naga people? Is it what you’re saying?

Gen V S Atem: Yes, that is the solution. We have never been trying to secede from India…where is the question of secession? Yes, we have our own constitution and we’ll continue to have it. We have our own Naga Hoho and we’ll continue to have it. No compromise on that. So, naturally after the solution, the GOI must be responsible for our development – morally and politically. Indian Government cannot just wash off its hands and go away. We don’t hesitate to tell Indian leaders – yes, we have the confidence in the Indian currency.

V K Shashikumar: So what kind of a political settlement is NSCN-IM looking at? What is the bottomline?

Gen V S Atem: India has a genuine fear, concern because the Naga country is strategic from the military point of view. So we should not play any kind of thing that is detrimental… Therefore, we proposed for a joint defence since we’re afraid of the Chinese and Nagas have a history of association with the Chinese. Pakistan is not a match for India in terms of size, manpower and economy. Yet India is also obsessed with the Pakistanis and the Nagas have had a history of association with the Pakistanis.

Then again, Americans, since we were converted into Christianity by the works of the American missionaries, you fear that Americans may take over the Naga country and it can become a threat to the Indian security. If you think that, we will have no hesitation to say that you can come and defend the frontiers along with the Naga soldiers. Nagas are very simple people. It’s not just tall claims – Nagas are also honest people.


V K Shashikumar: Let me get back to my question. How does the NSCN-IM leadership envisage the solution? What have you proposed to the GOI?

Gen V S Atem: We have even proposed to the GOI that let us arrive at a sort of an agreement that these two nations -- India and Nagaland remain inseparable entities. Two nations bound together with that special agreement, but with respective identities. The two nations are to be bound by the special arrangement. Even in foreign affairs, you primarily run the affairs, but then whenever there is an issue affecting the Nagas, there the Nagas must represent themselves.

V K Shashikumar: What is your position on the thousands of non-Nagas living in Nagaland?

Gen V S Atem: No country in the world lives alone, no? The world is so small now.

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