IBM goes 'green' to save energy
IBM goes 'green' to save energy
IBM unveils Project Big Green to combat data center energy crisis by using new technologies to conserve huge energy.

New Delhi: IBM on Friday announced “Project Big Green” in India, aimed at inclusion of new products and services for IBM and its clients to sharply reduce data center energy consumption.

The initiative also aimed at transforming the world’s business and public technology infrastructures into “green” data centers.

IBM launched this initiative as part of the global Intelligent Energy campaign, aimed at helping economies cope with the existing and impending energy crisis. Last month, IBM announced that it will redirect $1 billion a year, globally, across its businesses, to mobilize the company’s resources to dramatically increase the level of energy efficiency in IT.

IBM’s efforts under the Intelligent Energy campaign will be channeled through four specific initiatives – IBM’s Client Innovations in Energy, IBM’s Application of Technology & Services for Energy Efficiency, IBM’s Activities with Energy Influencers, and Environmental Efforts at Big Blue. With its work under each of these pillars, IBM aims to create a holistic approach to addressing the energy issue facing the globe.

“Project Big Green” is an initiative under one of the four pillars of the Intelligent Energy Campaign – IBM’s Application of Technology and Services for Energy Efficiency. It targets corporate data centers where energy constraints and high costs can limit growth.

As part of this initiative IBM will create a global “green” team of over 1000 energy efficiency specialists from across the company, to offer “green” solutions comprising IBM’s hardware, software, services, research, and finance offerings.

IBM is using its expertise and energy-smart technology innovations to outline a five-step approach that is designed to dramatically improve energy efficiency for clients:

  • DIAGNOSE: Evaluate existing facilities – energy assessment, virtual 3-D power management and thermal analytics
  • BUILD: Plan, build or update to an energy efficient data center
  • VIRTUALISE: Virtualise IT infrastructures and special purpose processor
  • MANAGE: Seize control with power management software
  • COOL: Exploit liquid cooling solutions – inside and out of the data center

IBM currently runs the world’s largest commercial technology infrastructure, with more than eight million square feet of data centers in six continents. In India, IBM has executed datacentre projects exceeding 2.5 lakhs square feet for over 55 clients.

The savings are substantial – for an average 25,000 square foot data center, clients should be able to achieve 42 percent energy savings. Based on the energy mix in the US, this savings equates to 7,439 tons of carbon emissions reduction per year.

IBM expects this will also help save more than five billion kilowatt hours of energy per year, globally.

By using these technologies internally, IBM expects to double the computing capacity of its data centers within the next three years without increasing power consumption or its carbon footprint.

India houses one of the largest IBM data center in the Asia Pacific region with more than 4,800 sq feet.

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