Various heartwarming stories often go viral on the internet. Recently, one similar incident has garnered attention. A Chikkodi fire brigade personnel rescued a kitten that fell into a 40-foot-deep well without water.
According to reports, in the garden of Srinivas Dodmani, a resident of Vadavalli village located in Belagavi in Karnataka, there is a well about 40 feet deep, and the kitten suddenly slipped into it in the morning.
After seeing this, the Dodamani family made various efforts to save the cat. But no matter how hard they tried, the family could not bring the cat out from the well. Later, they requested the Chikkodi fire brigade to rescue the kitten. According to reports, the fire brigade personnel went down to the well, was engaged in the rescue operation for about an hour and pulled out the cat safely. Thus, the kitten that fell into a 40-foot-deep well was rescued by the efforts of the fire brigade.
The children at home were happy as their pet kitten came back to them. Lastly, the kids thanked the fire brigade personnel and clicked a photo with him.
Recently, something similar came into the limelight. A woman discovered two kittens wrapped in plastic while she was feeding stray cats at night. Without hesitation, she jumped into action to save the innocent creatures. The video went viral in no time.
In the video, the woman is seen taking out the kittens from a plastic bag in which they were wrapped and thrown in a garbage dump. Holding them in her arms, she expresses her concern about how unsafe it was for the kittens to be abandoned in such a way, mentioning that stray dogs may have hurt them. The overlay text highlighting her distress stated, “I don’t know what humans think before dumping these kittens. I don’t have words now! Even if they know they can’t survive on their own, then what is the purpose of dumping? Killing? Or saving? Or relocating?” The woman’s gesture of kindness received immense appreciation from social media.
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