Israel preparing to reoccupy Gaza
Israel preparing to reoccupy Gaza
Israel is preparing to reoccupy the Gaza Strip if the Hamas-led Palestinian government does not halt rocket fire from the area.

Jerusalem: Israel is preparing to reoccupy the Gaza Strip if the Hamas-led Palestinian government does not halt rocket fire from the area, a senior military commander said on Friday.

Major General Yoav Galant, head of Israel's southern command, said he is considering a range of options, including the possibility of re-entering Gaza.

"We're talking about more aggressive military activity," Galant told the Maariv Daily. "If the price we have to pay becomes unreasonable as a result of increased (Palestinian) attacks, then we shall have to take all steps, including occupying the Gaza Strip," Galant said.

"It could be anything from a partial occupation of the Gaza Strip to a full occupation," he said, adding that his plans have been approved by senior officials, including Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz.

Israel withdrew from Gaza last summer, ending 38 years of military occupation. Since the pullout, Palestinian militants

have continued to fire homemade rockets into southern Israel on a daily basis.

The rockets have not caused any serious casualties, though they have been deadly in the past.

Israel has responded to the rocket attacks with airstrikes and artillery fire on suspected launch sites.

Israeli security officials concede it is very difficult to halt the primitive weapons, which fly just 15 to 20 seconds and are hard to detect.

Israel already has made two brief incursions into Gaza to search for explosives.

But defense officials said the odds of a large-scale operation or full occupation are slim because of financial and political constraints.

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