John Abraham & the art of staying fit
John Abraham & the art of staying fit
"Fitness is a tripod stand. It has three legs. Good food, good sleep and good routine," says John Abraham.

New Delhi: What does actor John Abraham do when he is not filming? Right, you know the answer: he does a lot of biking.

"Riding a bike is like dancing with a woman. You have to know how she turns and swings. How she rises and falls. You have to understand her body language." This bit, coming from the Bollywood hotie himself, speaks volumes about his attachment to bikes.

But then nowadays, he does one more thing — he blogs. He blogs on his own site ( to tell his fans all that they want to know about him — from motorbikes to muslces, brands to Bollywood and what not!

Writing on fitness, John says, "Fitness is a tripod stand. It has three legs. Good food, good sleep and good routine. Without that you are not really up to speed." And he also advises you on how to burn carbs. Don't diet, eat right and control them, says he.

"There are no shortcuts. Hard work is the only shortcut to fitness. It’s important to know that," says he. "I don’t diet. I believe in burning calories, than trying to control them. Eat right and put in a lot of effort in your workouts to expend them. Fad diets and crash diets are not really useful and they only go on to damage your body in the long run."

So, how does one eat right? "A balanced diet is necessary. Eat the right kinds of food, but eat well. Don’t starve yourself because you tend to bloat up."

As for himself, John says he is predominantly vegetarian fish-eater. "I occasionally have some fish. My family is vegetarian, except for some fish, about once a week. Breakfast consists of six egg whites. A glass of fruit juice. A couple of slices of toast with butter. And my customary two cups of tea. I eat about 10 almonds."

And then he keeps munching "something light every couple of hours, because my body needs it. The kind of action I do and the work that I put in drains me, and I need to put back into my body a little every couple of hours."

"My lunch consists of some atta chapattis (whole-wheat tortillas), yellow dal (lentil soup), spinach and some stir-fried vegetables. Of course, my favourite food is potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams which are not very highly recommended as far as fitness is concerned. But then, everybody has his vices."

And the snack consists of a protein shake. "After my workout, I eat some corn, or something to munch on, some soup and a vegetarian supper."


And his own body secrets? "I have an ectomorph body type and I tend to lose weight when I don’t work out. I am pretty fit, but not as much as I'd like to be. As a model, I was fitter," he says and clarifies, "I don’t take any steroids or growth hormones. I never have. The only supplement that I take is protein."

Next question, you will ask, aren't you yourself gaining weight, John?

"I was just 64 kgs before I started modelling. Then it went up to 86 kg." Heh, we know it now. And at 6 ft 1 inch, that's just about manageable. Ain't it what he wants to say?

"I've done a video with Mark Anthony who trained Angelina Jolie for Tomb Raider, in which I do a regimen called circuit training. Today I do circuit training, just twice a week, which is the best I can do due to lack of time," he reveals.

Ok, about bikes now? John says his first bike was a Yamaha RD350."I rode it all through my college years and then I sold it for a princely Rs 19,000."

Once he went into modelling, John bought his first superbike, a Kawasaki Ninja ZX V2. "It was my most prized possession and I did a lot of riding on it. She was the queen of superbikes for me."

"I eventually sold her to a guy who still takes care of her. We still keep in touch. It's the biker code," he says, adding, "We are all friends under the helmet."

Then he went for a Hayabusa, which he gave up after Dhoom before he acquired a Kawasaki Ninja ZX R. "She was a wild ride. I recently gave her up."

In January, John acauired a Yamaha R1. "It's the most refined bike available. The Japanese concepts of motorcycle building are quite amazing. This one actually has a firing pattern that duplicates a human heartbeat," John adds.

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