Knowledge is Power
Knowledge is Power
Immediately after India got Independence, we were better than most of the Asian countries, but today we are fighting to lift our economic status.

"If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have in the beginning"

Golden quotes by Mahatma Gandhi.

It has been long time wish to write a blog in IBN-CNN, but today it becomes true and I should thank IBN-CNN for that.

Immediately after India got Independence, we were pretty better than most of the Asian countries, but today we are fighting to lift the economic status of our country, even though we have huge resources. Countries like Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, China are far, far better than India economically and in living standards as well.

During the Presidential election, we found that parties select the candidate for their own interest rather than for the 100-crore Indian population. If I say 80 per cent of our total population, say 80 crore, wishes high profile, elite, intelligent, dedicated, down-to-earth President for India, around 5,00,000 representatives of our country, right from MPs to MLAs, think differently from the people, who elected them. It is because of democracy, are people of India ignorant of our rights? Are we like buffaloes, carefree animals?

Very recently, I visited central pensioner’s office, TRIKOOT, Bhikaji Cama Place, related to my father's pension letter. They dispatched my father’s pension letter a month before, but my father hadn't received it. So I requested them to issue a duplicate copy on behalf of my father. The person who is in-charge for this dealing said, the printer had not been working for the last 20 days, so there was way to get a copy. Finally, I managed to get the letter from another section.

Well, what I am trying to highlight here? My father sent a letter request through registered post and e-mail through their website, but there was no reply from them. After serving 40 years for the country, do you think a senior citizen should struggle for his basic need? It is not just my father's case, there are many who are struggling for their own rights from many corners of the country.

Even though India has gone through a sea change, the status of the poor stays the same and there is no vision for future India. We always think about instant solution, not for the long run.

Roads, drainage system, transportation system and environment are changed by and large. Education system is not similar and equal throughout our country, there is a instability when we come into a common platform. We don’t have proper medical facilities to meet the demands of the population.

After solid 60 years of India's Independence, we lack moral ethics in India and we are struggling for basic necessities. Only politicians and beauracrats enjoy the full fledged facilities in India, others are all mere sufferers. Now you can ask me, how can we turn around the country status?

Individuals should change first. We should unite for common cause. In India, when something happens to self, they create much hue and cry. Otherwise they won't care for others. Humans have little value in India and we never bother for others. Well, Individuals should arise, awake and unite to work for betterment of India.

If we nucleate people like Dr Abdul Kalam we can bind and create a big fusion reaction in India, so we should select and elect good leader for future India. It is not proud to say that Mr X or Mr Y becomes billionaire in India. If poverty is eradicated, then we can be proud of ourselves.


(S Rajkumar is a fifth-year research scholar at IIT, Delhi. A BE (Mech Engg) from Shastra university and M Tech (Energy Tech) from NIT, Thiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, Rajkumar hails from Pondicherry)

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