KTDC to purchase food products from Governemnt agencies
KTDC to purchase food products from Governemnt agencies

With food adulteration being reported from various parts of the state, Kerala Tourism Development Corporation (KTDC) has decided to  purchase meat and fish from government agencies for all its hotels.

 The purchase will be made from the Livestock Development Board, Meat Products of India, Kerala State Coastal Area Development Corporation and other agencies. This will ensure that quality food is being served in all the KTDC hotels.

 KTDC managing director Prasanth N said that a trial run had already started in some of the hotels. KTDC will look at all options for the purchase of meat so that the quality is ensured, he said.

 ‘’When purchase contract is signed with the government agencies pilferage can be avoided. There are 72 hotels under the KTDC in the state and wherever possible, the products of the government agencies will be made available,’’ Prasanth said.

 A rate contract will be signed with these agencies for the supply of  food articles. Ready-to-cook fish products are made available by the Coastal Area Development Corporation, he said.

 The weight of processed food is almost 30 per cent less than those purchased from the open market. This enables the KTDC to purchase it at an exact cost from these agencies.

 ‘’The partnership between government agencies and the KTDC will help in providing food without contamination. The meat and fish business of the agencies will also benefit with bulk supply of products to the KTDC hotels every month,’’ the KTDC MD said.  The government agencies are now selling the products in the retail sector. The meat and fish product agencies are expecting more tie-ups with various organisations so that they can go for bulk sale of products.

 Sources in the Meat Products of India said that the government-certified products would be available in these hotels. There will be a social commitment when government agencies go for a partnership, they said.

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